okay, firstly, i'm totally excited for the new year :D
cause it'll be a new year, with my new class, with alllll my friends!
there're like, 37 ppl in 3E (overcrowding) =.= but pk, cx, xinyi, tzechong, shaun, elvin, tang, shiyi, fiona are in my class ahahahaha.
yea, i hope it'll be a great year.
i hope that i'll be able to maintain good results in the coming year,
i hope that i'll continue to do my best for the choir,
i hope that our friendships will last,
i hope that it'll be a fun and successful and fulfilling year,
i hope that i wont be distracted by stupid things,
i hope to have more self-discipline :D
yea. i'm gonna make it happen yo.
hello bf! x3 i love you to heaven can! x)
ahaha. i know you love me too.
ohwell. i hope 2009 will be an even better year for you,
and that your loveeee with that stupid drug addict will soar through the sky =\
you better go out with me often. if not, i'm gonna dieeee of boredom x.x
anyway, have a splendiddddddd year in your school and allll the best in your academic results too! x3
seriously, i think it's fate or something LOL.
i've beeen in the same class with you from p2-p6, and then the same school, and now same class again. ohhhandand the same cca too. like HELLO?
i love you just as much as i love chingxing okay! cause you're both my great friendddddd.
please know that i'll be there for you whenever you need me okay? i'm not that stupid childish crazy ignorant amanda anymore LOL.
maybe still abit stupid and childish and crazy and ignorant, but i think i'm nicer now lah LOL.
loves lots! have a great year [:
who told you to finish 29 pills at once?!
seriously, overdosaging is super dangerous okay!
but i hope the pills will remind you that you've got friends who'll stand by you forever and ever and ever okay!
we love you [:
heyyo peeps, you guys have given me a big headache with all those money issues and stuff.
BUT NEVERTHELESS, i've enjoyed 2007 and 2008 with you guys. especially those in my cliques, both the 2007 and the 2008 clique. no matter what, you guys still rock the most yea!
i hope 2009 will be an even better year for all of you guys in your new class, and remember to keep in contact okay?
LOL. nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
she lovesssssssss you all to hell [:
here's a shortshortshortshortshort prayer x)
dear Jesus in heaven,
Please let 2009 be a great year for all my beloved friends and family members. Guide them through turbulents and help them achieve amazing results!
In Jesus name I pray,
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
the 200th post. last post of 2008.
the last 15 minutes of 2008.
I had a great year, a great 2008.
thanks to everyone, for the sad/angry/happy/disappointing/pissing/wadever moments.
they've helped me grow alot, and i'm thankful for that.
to those i've offended in one way or another,
i sincerely apologise.
i do believe in miracles,
and i hope that the miracles of a new year will wash away all signs of dread and negativity [:
my blog time is slow.
it's already 11.45pm now :D:D
the last 15 minutes of the year.
I had a great year, a great 2008.
thanks to everyone, for the sad/angry/happy/disappointing/pissing/wadever moments.
they've helped me grow alot, and i'm thankful for that.
to those i've offended in one way or another,
i sincerely apologise.
i do believe in miracles,
and i hope that the miracles of a new year will wash away all signs of dread and negativity [:
my blog time is slow.
it's already 11.45pm now :D:D
the last 15 minutes of the year.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
the 199th post.
i reached home half an hour ago.
that's why i'm quite late.
i'm sorry.
thanks for those merry xmas tags! <3
you know i love them like mad [[[[[[:
i reached home half an hour ago.
that's why i'm quite late.
i'm sorry.
thanks for those merry xmas tags! <3
you know i love them like mad [[[[[[:
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
my poor toe has been bandaged again.
it was the right leg previously, now it's the left.
wannnnn-daaaa-foooool, no?
i've been working. and slacking.
and not doing homework D:
so i have one sihan, which'll probably take me half an hour.
a 350 write up about some shitty historical crap which will take me another half an hour
and a commonwealth essay which will take me a whole freaking day to write.
okay maybe not.
i just wont finish the essay within a day. that's it.
i'm feeling like shit today cause:
1) i cant go for my archery lesson
2) i cant go out with my work friends
3) i cant go out with weijie tomorrow
all because my leg has rendered me immobile.
it's not like i cant walk, but it'll probably take me two hours to bathe without wetting the wound, 5 minutes to wear my shoe, 15minutes to walk to the bus stop, walk like some slow snail, and if anyone steps on my leg, i'll risk another infection.
jeslynn and danying came to my house to give me the invitation to the christmas celebration thingy with chc.
it's at expooooo though, and it'll surely be crowded.
let's hope i dont get stepped on :D
my mum said it's time i started getting serious again.
because 2009 is gonna be tedious.
and she's probably right, just that i dont have the motivation to do anything right now.
i'll get on it, someday.
it was the right leg previously, now it's the left.
wannnnn-daaaa-foooool, no?
i've been working. and slacking.
and not doing homework D:
so i have one sihan, which'll probably take me half an hour.
a 350 write up about some shitty historical crap which will take me another half an hour
and a commonwealth essay which will take me a whole freaking day to write.
okay maybe not.
i just wont finish the essay within a day. that's it.
i'm feeling like shit today cause:
1) i cant go for my archery lesson
2) i cant go out with my work friends
3) i cant go out with weijie tomorrow
all because my leg has rendered me immobile.
it's not like i cant walk, but it'll probably take me two hours to bathe without wetting the wound, 5 minutes to wear my shoe, 15minutes to walk to the bus stop, walk like some slow snail, and if anyone steps on my leg, i'll risk another infection.
jeslynn and danying came to my house to give me the invitation to the christmas celebration thingy with chc.
it's at expooooo though, and it'll surely be crowded.
let's hope i dont get stepped on :D
my mum said it's time i started getting serious again.
because 2009 is gonna be tedious.
and she's probably right, just that i dont have the motivation to do anything right now.
i'll get on it, someday.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
the 199th post - a quiz.
tagged by xuewen i think [:
i'm the first on her list HEH ._.
anyway, here goes.
1. What day, date and time is it?
Tuesday, 16th December 2008, 7.52pm
2.If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
i cant think of one right now.
3.Have you ever thought of committing suicide?
uhm, i think so.
long time ago.
4. What would you do if you won the Miss/Mr Universe?
i'll wake up from my dream.
5.Will you fall in love with your best friend?
i'm already in love with her x)
6.Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
neither -___________-
one is just as irritating as the other.
7.What would be the most ideal way to wake up to in the morning?
falling back to sleep again.
8. What is ur favourite dessert?
mummy's tiramisu and mango pudding and choc cake :D
9. If you like to act with someone, who will it be? bf? gf? actor? actress?
10. Will you invite for Ex bf/gf to your wedding dinner?
of course, provided we're still in contact.
and if i even wanna marry.
11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
dont know.
12. What makes you happy?
oh this. HAHA. top secret :D
13. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
look at my handphone. it's a habit. to check the time, obviously.
14.Would you give all in a relationship?
friends relationship, depending on which friend.
usually, i would.
BGR, no :D
15. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
neither. i'd rather fall in love with the characters in those mangas i read.
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. they're darn cute okay.
16. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
okay. i probably do.
but anyway, it depends on who did what.
17. Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
having a relationship with my girlfriends.
18. If your girlfriend/boyfriend told u that she/he is actually a prince/princess, what will u do?
even if it's possible, i'll just laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh.
and then break up with him for making such a lame joke.
yea done :D
i have no one to tag.
so bye.
aunties are horrible. i'll tell you why next time.
i'm the first on her list HEH ._.
anyway, here goes.
1. What day, date and time is it?
Tuesday, 16th December 2008, 7.52pm
2.If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
i cant think of one right now.
3.Have you ever thought of committing suicide?
uhm, i think so.
long time ago.
4. What would you do if you won the Miss/Mr Universe?
i'll wake up from my dream.
5.Will you fall in love with your best friend?
i'm already in love with her x)
6.Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
neither -___________-
one is just as irritating as the other.
7.What would be the most ideal way to wake up to in the morning?
falling back to sleep again.
8. What is ur favourite dessert?
mummy's tiramisu and mango pudding and choc cake :D
9. If you like to act with someone, who will it be? bf? gf? actor? actress?
10. Will you invite for Ex bf/gf to your wedding dinner?
of course, provided we're still in contact.
and if i even wanna marry.
11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
dont know.
12. What makes you happy?
oh this. HAHA. top secret :D
13. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
look at my handphone. it's a habit. to check the time, obviously.
14.Would you give all in a relationship?
friends relationship, depending on which friend.
usually, i would.
BGR, no :D
15. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
neither. i'd rather fall in love with the characters in those mangas i read.
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. they're darn cute okay.
16. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
okay. i probably do.
but anyway, it depends on who did what.
17. Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
having a relationship with my girlfriends.
18. If your girlfriend/boyfriend told u that she/he is actually a prince/princess, what will u do?
even if it's possible, i'll just laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh.
and then break up with him for making such a lame joke.
yea done :D
i have no one to tag.
so bye.
aunties are horrible. i'll tell you why next time.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
oh great, i'm back -booooos-
i'll blog about HK, i guess.
20th dec 2008
THE first day.
morning flight, reached HK in the afterrrrnoon.
you see, everytime we go back, people are like rushing to treat us to dinners.
people like my dad's friends, clients, workers, and relatives.
so naturally, everything has been arranged since day 1.
but well, family comes first right? soooo,
we had steamboat ♥ for dinner :D with my *some* of my relatives.
steamboats in HK is nthing like steamboat in SG.
the atmosphere is different, the foood is nicer, and my dad's side relatives are all ultra nice [:
there was this big prawn, called "lai liu ha" in cantonese -.- if you translate it, it actually meant "PEE PRAWN". it was still very much ALIVE when we put it in the wok.
so in summary:
abaloneeeee soup
main course included:
pee prawn [for convenience's sake],
normal prawn,
"lai mang" [a type of fish],
"da bai chang" [read this in chinese. another fish],
meat/mushroom/sotong balls,
vege & tofuuuu♥♥♥,
sweet corn,
cheese cocktails,
and sliced abaloneeee.
dessert consisted of:
mango pudding,
yam mochi
choice of beverage:
red wine
blue girl [a famous brand of beer in hk]
lemon coke
lemon tee
i think i drank everything except for coke.
my parents allow me to drink alcohol even though i'm underaged cause they're people who believe that girls need to be able to handle a considerable amount of alcohol so that we wont get drunk so easily when we grow up and let those jerks do weird stuff after forcing shots on us.
so yea :D
i particularly enjoy red wine. it gives the throat a burning feeling that SORT OF opens my throat.
beer stinks -____-
went to my couz's house to stay overnight.
it's a must everytime we go back, cause they have a fast computer heh.
my house's comp is abit lag -.-
oh yes. my cousin is 27. BUT SHE ACTS LIKE A 10 YEAR OLD CHILD.
she looks 17 or 18 too -.- very baby-faced.
oh right, did i mention that my dad brought back BIG BAGGSSSSS of fila clothes?
he's a director of a textile company, so we always get clothes for free -____-
this batch was shipped to canada, but daddy got his colleagues to fill up bags of clothes for us ._.
now i have 7 jackets of the same design but of different colours.
pink, grey, black, brown, white, dark purple, dark blue.
that's not all really, there're two different designs of jackets so i took around 4 of that as well.
my sis and mum took some too.
i have a feeling i can give out jackets as christmas presents now :D LOL.
there're clothes too, mostly sportswear. like tight fitting trackpants and polo tees.
there's a LONG SHIRT THAT I LIKE A LOT TOO :D it's black with white stripes. totally cool x}
21 oct.
actually. i should just forget about blogging the next 9 days.
i'm lazy :D
just look at he pictures on facebook okay?
there you go.
those are only 1/10 of the pictures we took there.
all taken with my phone cam.
the rest are with my sis and couz and i'll upload them laterrrrrr.
20th dec 2008
THE first day.
morning flight, reached HK in the afterrrrnoon.
you see, everytime we go back, people are like rushing to treat us to dinners.
people like my dad's friends, clients, workers, and relatives.
so naturally, everything has been arranged since day 1.
but well, family comes first right? soooo,
we had steamboat ♥ for dinner :D with my *some* of my relatives.
steamboats in HK is nthing like steamboat in SG.
the atmosphere is different, the foood is nicer, and my dad's side relatives are all ultra nice [:
there was this big prawn, called "lai liu ha" in cantonese -.- if you translate it, it actually meant "PEE PRAWN". it was still very much ALIVE when we put it in the wok.
so in summary:
abaloneeeee soup
main course included:
pee prawn [for convenience's sake],
normal prawn,
"lai mang" [a type of fish],
"da bai chang" [read this in chinese. another fish],
meat/mushroom/sotong balls,
vege & tofuuuu♥♥♥,
sweet corn,
cheese cocktails,
and sliced abaloneeee.
dessert consisted of:
mango pudding,
yam mochi
choice of beverage:
red wine
blue girl [a famous brand of beer in hk]
lemon coke
lemon tee
i think i drank everything except for coke.
my parents allow me to drink alcohol even though i'm underaged cause they're people who believe that girls need to be able to handle a considerable amount of alcohol so that we wont get drunk so easily when we grow up and let those jerks do weird stuff after forcing shots on us.
so yea :D
i particularly enjoy red wine. it gives the throat a burning feeling that SORT OF opens my throat.
beer stinks -____-
went to my couz's house to stay overnight.
it's a must everytime we go back, cause they have a fast computer heh.
my house's comp is abit lag -.-
oh yes. my cousin is 27. BUT SHE ACTS LIKE A 10 YEAR OLD CHILD.
she looks 17 or 18 too -.- very baby-faced.
oh right, did i mention that my dad brought back BIG BAGGSSSSS of fila clothes?
he's a director of a textile company, so we always get clothes for free -____-
this batch was shipped to canada, but daddy got his colleagues to fill up bags of clothes for us ._.
now i have 7 jackets of the same design but of different colours.
pink, grey, black, brown, white, dark purple, dark blue.
that's not all really, there're two different designs of jackets so i took around 4 of that as well.
my sis and mum took some too.
i have a feeling i can give out jackets as christmas presents now :D LOL.
there're clothes too, mostly sportswear. like tight fitting trackpants and polo tees.
there's a LONG SHIRT THAT I LIKE A LOT TOO :D it's black with white stripes. totally cool x}
21 oct.
actually. i should just forget about blogging the next 9 days.
i'm lazy :D
just look at he pictures on facebook okay?
there you go.
those are only 1/10 of the pictures we took there.
all taken with my phone cam.
the rest are with my sis and couz and i'll upload them laterrrrrr.
Monday, November 10, 2008
i know, i should be talking and raving about how sad i am to leave 2E.
not that i'm not sad, but i dont think i need to remind myself of how sad it is zzz.
congratulations to me, for starting the crying-spree.
szenee played the song. and i started tearing.
then yuching came to comfort me, but ended up going "amanda, dont cry lahhhh" and starts crying herself. LOL.
so we cried, sitting in our seats.
everyone [the girls] who came to us to comfort us, cried.
the sweetest thing is that even the guys LIKE QINGHE, came to us and said "i'll miss you"
so sad D:
so yc and i cried even harder -.-
you see, i'm a sucker for emotional moments.
lalala, and everyone started crying.
okay, not everyone. majority.
so sadddddddddddddddddddddddddddd ):
okay. post dedication tomorrow since i'm not working tmrrrrrr.
not that i'm not sad, but i dont think i need to remind myself of how sad it is zzz.
congratulations to me, for starting the crying-spree.
szenee played the song. and i started tearing.
then yuching came to comfort me, but ended up going "amanda, dont cry lahhhh" and starts crying herself. LOL.
so we cried, sitting in our seats.
everyone [the girls] who came to us to comfort us, cried.
the sweetest thing is that even the guys LIKE QINGHE, came to us and said "i'll miss you"
so sad D:
so yc and i cried even harder -.-
you see, i'm a sucker for emotional moments.
lalala, and everyone started crying.
okay, not everyone. majority.
so sadddddddddddddddddddddddddddd ):
okay. post dedication tomorrow since i'm not working tmrrrrrr.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
it's a quiz O:
1. Where would you go if someone sponsors you an air ticket?
... how tempting. i dont know, really. any european country will totally rock my brain out of my skull.
2. What's your favourite thing to do?
uhm, work? collect money :D:D:D
3. Do you think money can buy happiness?
superficially, yes. but we all know money cant buy some really important stuff right?
4. If you were given a chance to receive something, what would it be?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5. Things you cant live without.
my phone
air-con -.-
i'd say friends, family and blah but they arent THINGS.
6. What are you afraid to lose?
some very dear friends.
my phone ):
7. If you win $1 million US dollars, what would you do?
uhhh, travel around the world, buy shares to fry LOL
uhm, buy a new wardrobe and fill it up, give the rest of the money to my mum :D
8. What do you dream of doing in the future?
i dont know. but i dream of being rich :D
9. List down 3 good points about the person who gave you this survey
he's nice.
he's very nice
and he's veryverynice.
okay wth.
he's good at playing cards -.-
he's a sweet guy,
and he's nice.
10. What makes you happy?
doing crap stuff.
watching movies
going out with ♥♥friends
11. What type of person do you hate most?
people like _ _ _ _ _
okay. it's ARIEL.
she's the new manager who transferred here from macdonalds.
she's s physopath
12. If you have a super power what would it be?
it'd be the ability to destroy all the things i dont like, and clone all the things i like :D:D:D
13. Would you go for happiness or money?
well, i cant live without both.
so it's either both, or none at all.
14. Who do you think is the most important people in your life?
i dont know. there's quite a few.
yeap. this four [:
15. If you have a girlfriend/boyfriend, would you die for her/him?
it depends on how obssessed i am over that guy.
normally, when i'm still rational enough to judge, i wont.
but i believe that true love is worth dying for. [if you really meet one zzz]
so right now, no.
16. Who's the last person who hugged you?
i cannot remember.
17. What is the one thing you want to do badly right now ?
skip school.
18. Who are you close to ?
okay. maybe weijie♥ :D:D
19. Are you courageous enough to tell the person that you like her/him?
20. If you could do one thing all over again what would it be?
but i cant say it.
21. 8 things that scare you :
1. lizards
2. worms
3. toads/frogs
4. snakes
5. bats
6. the big, red, hot, evil Sun.
7. mud
8. flesh.
22. 8 things that you like/love the most :
1. my phone, duh.
2. clothes
3. money :D:D:D
4. my job
5. my dear dear computer
6. songs
7. my blanket omg :X
8. my bolster ._.
23. 8 important things in my room :
1. computer
2. fan
3. air-con
4. clothes
5. BED!
6. windows
7. door
8. my table
24. 8 people to do this questionnaire :
1. chingx
2. chinm
3. pek
4. kheehui
5. zhijie
6. zhiying
7. hazel
8. jiarong
oooooh, i'm done :D
... how tempting. i dont know, really. any european country will totally rock my brain out of my skull.
2. What's your favourite thing to do?
uhm, work? collect money :D:D:D
3. Do you think money can buy happiness?
superficially, yes. but we all know money cant buy some really important stuff right?
4. If you were given a chance to receive something, what would it be?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5. Things you cant live without.
my phone
air-con -.-
i'd say friends, family and blah but they arent THINGS.
6. What are you afraid to lose?
some very dear friends.
my phone ):
7. If you win $1 million US dollars, what would you do?
uhhh, travel around the world, buy shares to fry LOL
uhm, buy a new wardrobe and fill it up, give the rest of the money to my mum :D
8. What do you dream of doing in the future?
i dont know. but i dream of being rich :D
9. List down 3 good points about the person who gave you this survey
he's nice.
he's very nice
and he's veryverynice.
okay wth.
he's good at playing cards -.-
he's a sweet guy,
and he's nice.
10. What makes you happy?
doing crap stuff.
watching movies
going out with ♥♥friends
11. What type of person do you hate most?
people like _ _ _ _ _
okay. it's ARIEL.
she's the new manager who transferred here from macdonalds.
she's s physopath
12. If you have a super power what would it be?
it'd be the ability to destroy all the things i dont like, and clone all the things i like :D:D:D
13. Would you go for happiness or money?
well, i cant live without both.
so it's either both, or none at all.
14. Who do you think is the most important people in your life?
i dont know. there's quite a few.
yeap. this four [:
15. If you have a girlfriend/boyfriend, would you die for her/him?
it depends on how obssessed i am over that guy.
normally, when i'm still rational enough to judge, i wont.
but i believe that true love is worth dying for. [if you really meet one zzz]
so right now, no.
16. Who's the last person who hugged you?
i cannot remember.
17. What is the one thing you want to do badly right now ?
skip school.
18. Who are you close to ?
okay. maybe weijie♥ :D:D
19. Are you courageous enough to tell the person that you like her/him?
20. If you could do one thing all over again what would it be?
but i cant say it.
21. 8 things that scare you :
1. lizards
2. worms
3. toads/frogs
4. snakes
5. bats
6. the big, red, hot, evil Sun.
7. mud
8. flesh.
22. 8 things that you like/love the most :
1. my phone, duh.
2. clothes
3. money :D:D:D
4. my job
5. my dear dear computer
6. songs
7. my blanket omg :X
8. my bolster ._.
23. 8 important things in my room :
1. computer
2. fan
3. air-con
4. clothes
5. BED!
6. windows
7. door
8. my table
24. 8 people to do this questionnaire :
1. chingx
2. chinm
3. pek
4. kheehui
5. zhijie
6. zhiying
7. hazel
8. jiarong
oooooh, i'm done :D
oh boy, my life took a turn for the better, like finally.
where did i stop?
1st november, saturday.
oh carp.
my body was aching like shit.
there's practice today ):
on a rainy, cold saturday morning, THE perfect day to sleeep in till 2pm, and i had to be on the MRT, struggling my way to school. great.
ohwell, PT wasnt that bad. i liked it. LOL
i mean like, block running is tons tonstons better than running on the track.
1) there's shelter
2) the scenery changes
3) there're more turns here and there
i know it's supposed to be tiring, but i didnt quite register the tiredness. i thought it was great :D
core training was okay too, the usuals. sit ups, push ups, tabletop, blahblah.
warm up was a problem though. my sides were hurting like nobody's business.
pk, xinyi, amelia, yiling, cx, and yuning(i think) went to subway for lunch, while i went to work after helping pk, xinyi and cx order their food -.-
oh come on, work was great as usual. except that there were new rules due to the very stupid and retarded and frigging idiotic new ASSISTANT manager. thank god mr vincent's still here. but it's quite fun, cause everyone's super sacarstic around her ._.
as usual, time zoomed passed ):
and it was 9pm ALREADY.
changed, hugged and kissed and bid the very nice ppl farewell, and went home.
2nd november, sunday
i really wanna blog about what happen today at work but it'll reveal too much.
hehhhhhhhhh. see, she's so nice ._.
her friends came too. apparently, they arent nice people. so neh.
i saw mavis too!
as in, the PRIMARY SCHOOL mavis.
not germane's sister.
yes. that mavis :D
and there was this group of people who kept glancing at me. i turned to look at them and they're like "oh nothing nothing" and then started laughing LOL. they were damn ridiculous (in a good way). i really wanted to ask them what's so funny ._. but they looked like they're nice people so yea.
i think they're guessing my age.
talking about that, the ppl at my workplace DONT BELIEVE I'M 14! O:
they're guessing 15 or 16 or something. then my very nice jiejie told them that i'm 14.
and they thought she was joking -.-
so i RECONFIRMED it, and they went OOOOOOOO: -jaws drop- that kinda reaction.
vanessa keep teasing me about ck too. make me so paiseh LOL ._.
oh yes and there was a new trainee, 15 years old O: I GOT TO TRAIN HER LOL ._.
abit weird though. but she's super nice too. we bitch about that stupid brainless new macdonald manager together hahahaha.
yes. she transferred from macdonalds. like i said, MACDONALDS SUCK. MY WORKPLACE ROCK. tsk.
oh i made a really horrible mistake today. awww ):
3rd november, monday
woke up at around 8am.
12.30pm, prepare to go out.
1.30pm left house
1.50pm met joyce and yili and joanne and yuqi :D
okay i suck at it.
it's like, my first time playing it since chinese new year zzz.
we took some pictures, but i'm abit lazy to post it up ._. (SORRY JOYCE)
i'll do it tomorrow. nothing much lah, joyce's blog also have le actually.
i need to sleeeeeeeeeep. god bless me again and again and again for this last week.
i wont miss my class just yet. the "omg-i-miss-my-class" feeling always gets to me 2 years later ): for example, i only started missing my pri 6 class this few weeks -.-
1st november, saturday.
oh carp.
my body was aching like shit.
there's practice today ):
on a rainy, cold saturday morning, THE perfect day to sleeep in till 2pm, and i had to be on the MRT, struggling my way to school. great.
ohwell, PT wasnt that bad. i liked it. LOL
i mean like, block running is tons tonstons better than running on the track.
1) there's shelter
2) the scenery changes
3) there're more turns here and there
i know it's supposed to be tiring, but i didnt quite register the tiredness. i thought it was great :D
core training was okay too, the usuals. sit ups, push ups, tabletop, blahblah.
warm up was a problem though. my sides were hurting like nobody's business.
pk, xinyi, amelia, yiling, cx, and yuning(i think) went to subway for lunch, while i went to work after helping pk, xinyi and cx order their food -.-
oh come on, work was great as usual. except that there were new rules due to the very stupid and retarded and frigging idiotic new ASSISTANT manager. thank god mr vincent's still here. but it's quite fun, cause everyone's super sacarstic around her ._.
as usual, time zoomed passed ):
and it was 9pm ALREADY.
changed, hugged and kissed and bid the very nice ppl farewell, and went home.
2nd november, sunday
i really wanna blog about what happen today at work but it'll reveal too much.
hehhhhhhhhh. see, she's so nice ._.
her friends came too. apparently, they arent nice people. so neh.
i saw mavis too!
as in, the PRIMARY SCHOOL mavis.
not germane's sister.
yes. that mavis :D
and there was this group of people who kept glancing at me. i turned to look at them and they're like "oh nothing nothing" and then started laughing LOL. they were damn ridiculous (in a good way). i really wanted to ask them what's so funny ._. but they looked like they're nice people so yea.
i think they're guessing my age.
talking about that, the ppl at my workplace DONT BELIEVE I'M 14! O:
they're guessing 15 or 16 or something. then my very nice jiejie told them that i'm 14.
and they thought she was joking -.-
so i RECONFIRMED it, and they went OOOOOOOO: -jaws drop- that kinda reaction.
vanessa keep teasing me about ck too. make me so paiseh LOL ._.
oh yes and there was a new trainee, 15 years old O: I GOT TO TRAIN HER LOL ._.
abit weird though. but she's super nice too. we bitch about that stupid brainless new macdonald manager together hahahaha.
yes. she transferred from macdonalds. like i said, MACDONALDS SUCK. MY WORKPLACE ROCK. tsk.
oh i made a really horrible mistake today. awww ):
3rd november, monday
woke up at around 8am.
12.30pm, prepare to go out.
1.30pm left house
1.50pm met joyce and yili and joanne and yuqi :D
okay i suck at it.
it's like, my first time playing it since chinese new year zzz.
we took some pictures, but i'm abit lazy to post it up ._. (SORRY JOYCE)
i'll do it tomorrow. nothing much lah, joyce's blog also have le actually.
i need to sleeeeeeeeeep. god bless me again and again and again for this last week.
i wont miss my class just yet. the "omg-i-miss-my-class" feeling always gets to me 2 years later ): for example, i only started missing my pri 6 class this few weeks -.-
Friday, October 31, 2008
i'm trying to squeeze 7 days into one post, so it'll be long. AHHHHHCHHOOOO!
ohkay, hi. dont read if you dont have time/not inerested/cant be bothered/lazy/hate me.
cause it'll be long and i dont wanna waste your time.
25 october 2008, saturday.
there's choir today so i woke up at 6pm left house at 7pm and reached school at 8pm.
right on the dot :D
PT was okay, cx and i slacked abit LOL until yujun found us and made us run -.-
had a drink and when i checked my phone, there was 12 miss calls from leelaoshi. like who wont wonder what it's for? called her back.
"yuling, do you know that you're down for club activity?"
" HUH?"
"didnt your director inform you? who's your director?"
"uhm. joshua. ohya, and alvin."
"those two arh, cannot make it lah. can you come to toa payoh now?"
" ............ [super super unwilling] but im having cca now o.o"
" just come down. i'll tell ong chun ling"
" uh. okay lor. how to go?"
tongjing: " take 139 from toa payoh, alight at the 6th stop."
"okay. byebye"
hais. you see,
1. i went to school for nothing.
2. i did PT for NOTHING
4. miss tham is coming for this prac D:
5. i didnt even know that i was involved.
so obviously, there was a miscommunitcation DUE TO MY SISTER :D
yes. my very very dear dear sister did not pass on the message. how does this involve her, you ask? you see, tongjing and my sister are friends. so tongjing asked for my contact details and IC number THROUGH her. my sis told me to type it for her, and i thought it was for some admin stuff or sth, so i didnt ask any further.
as soon as i finished typing, my sis chased me away. and i totally didnt know that i was supposed to attend anything. and obviously, after i left, tongjing was telling "me" what the activity is about. except that i wasnt there.
and my sis didnt care enough to tell me.
and so, i didnt know.
and so, she caused all this trouble.
again. for me.
it was quite fun. went around block 21 to do health surveys. and i got the chance to use cantonese! O: quite cool, really. LOL
i requested to leave early cause i had a BBQ at 6.30pm zzz.
well. i reached home at 6.30pm, chiong chiong chiong. bathed, dried my hair, whatever.
stupid cm kept asking me where i am.
went to the basketball court to find them. LOL. they're all taller than me. as usual. just a larger difference in height -.-
they wanted me to play with them as well. LOL. but i dont know how to ._. so i just watched them play, and it was hard to recognise them at first cause
1. it's dark,
2. my eyesight sucks.
3. they're unfamiliar to me cause i didnt see them for at least 9 months.
stupid cm, keep acting pro. but there's this yellow shirt guy who's better than him ._.
i told shinan that. and he say that guy very shuai, asked me if i wanted his number -__-
seriously, he's still that jerk i know. LOL. nah. he's nice.
went to get some food cause they didnt want me to just sit there and feed mosquitoes. CM'S MUM PREPARED SO MUCH FOOD O:
we didnt eat much. no one wanted to eat -__- cm's friend damn excited about the lucky draw LOL. keep trying to see if the numbers match.
and chinming was acting retarded.
"what is my name?"
"what's that thing you're holding on your hand?" [my handphone]
"what is a handphone?"
etc. everything you say, he'll start asking stupid questions. shinan got pissed in the end LOL.
we were still waiting for peihan and hansheng. so we chat abit first.
and i found out some stuff ): horribly sad. geknian blurted it out. just like him to do something like that. but ohwell, i suspected as much when they started acting all weird upon me mentioning hansheng -.-
you see, hansheng is my dearest deardeardear kor. and i love him to hell.
so naturally, i'd feel super sad when i found out about it. and then shinan emoed [for about 3 seconds] with me while chinming continue to act retarded zzz. well, of course things became better. because cm was too retarded LOL. so we all laughed again.
walked to kfc to meet korrrrr :D
he's super skinny. like all bones, and nothing else. abit scary LOL.
OH, AND DID I MENTION, ALL THEIR VOICES CHANGED. it felt so weird. especially shinan's and hansheng's. cm was okay. geknian's voice still as childish hahahahaha.
they went back to playing basketball and peihan came at 10+.
he chat with me for awhile before the guys noticed his presence -__-
he's nice to talk to. he has always been nicer to girls than the rest hahaha. the rest stopped playing and joined us, and everyone started to talk about results LOL.
i kept my mouth shut. well, i tried to. they all kept saying that they fail this fail that and fail this, i couldnt help but grimace. so they caught my weird expression and started on the whole RV thing. "got someone here hor, from RV de." etc. so horrible ):
but cm's result quite good, and he still so guai. more guai than me lor. he listens to his mum! O:
we talked about ex-classmates, and found out some really funny stuff. i mean, the way they put it, makes it feel really funny LOL. but time flew pass. it was 12am i think, so i went back up while the guys slept over at cm's house which was well, at the opposite block of mine.
26 october 2008, sunday
there was work today :D
SO DAMN FUN. omg LOL. oh comeon. you guys wont understand the joy.
the people there are tooooooo nice, i cant stand it ahahahaha.
time zoomed past ): and it was 8pm.
went to louis' house for his birthday party.
his hosue was near juying, so i alighted at juying's bus stop and a whole bunch of people were waiting for me LOL. hansheng, louis, peihan, a few guys i dont recognise, geknian.
shien called to say she was coming too, so peihan and geknian stayed to wait for her while hansheng brought me to louis' house.
liping, germane, weiming, shinan, cheesern, and many many people were there alrdy, playing cards -.-
EVEN PEKKHOON WAS THERE. she said they called her while she was having dinner, so she came. i tell you, she'll never do that if i'm the one who called. awwwwww ):
weiming was drunk -.-
i cant remember much, except that many people drank the 40++% alcohol and wine.
went to another room to play blackjack after eating the birthday cake. LOUIS THE BIRTHDAY BOY DIDNT EAT ANY! ): we felt so bad luh ):
i made kor stand up so i could sit. LOL. cause i was super tired after 10.5 hours of work. heh.
and i have a feeling kor's kor dont like me. as in, hanlong. he kept staring/glaring at me with very scary eyes. i tried to avoid it.
peihan volunteered to send us home. i asked him to ask kor to come too, and he did. along with geknian and gavin. sent pek home first cause she quite near there, and i took my bus home :D
see, they're nice guys. no way they'd have let us go back on our own when it's so late eh? LOL ._.
slept at 2.40am.
as far as i know, the guys played mahjong through the night and left louis' house only the next day.
27th october 2008, monday
super busy :D:D:D and the manager's SO nice, i'm falling in love with my job.heh.
the people who know where i work will know about the various things that happened when i worked. so i dont have to blog it here [:
i slept super peacefully today :D well, he was with me when i slept, how could i not sleep well?
28th october 2008, tuesday
school. boring
cca. so-so. PT again.
miss tham came.
29th october 2008, wednesday
there was this SC investiture hahaha. boring, boring, boring.
the rest could go home at 1pm! -sulks-
well, -mood lifts-
I went to watch HSMMMMMMMMMMMMM 3! :D
with chingxing. she rewatched it [: [:
it was nice! the songs are quite nice too :D
ask chingxing for them, she has EVERYTHING
chat with my kor,
now i'm hoping that day will come really soon.
i cant bear it.
30th october 2008, thursday
ehhhhhhhhhh, lemme think.
school, i slept through it except for lang arts.
i thought the previous one was funnier ):
but oh well, it was entertaining. kept me from sleeping again.
did the survey in place of lizhen at the lab, and went to JE with kheehui, pauline, yili for lunch.
ate at koba. dont really like it.
mutang and irene's BF tees, my belt, skinnies, watch, and shirt :D
such bliss [:
did 2 bank transfers. i bought stuff again D:
"nonono ! continue spending. money is meant to be spent >D"
" you're supposed to be saving up RIGHT? you promised not to buy anything until the end of december!"
"oh come on, a little wont hurt."
urgh. the devil won, as usual.
i cant rmb what i did at home. chat i think.
31st October 2008, friday
ohyes, the sports meet.
i was super bored.
though the pushball competition was REALLY fun. LOL
YAY TO SEC ONES! :D:D:D hahahah.
the not so nice thing is, i got bloody dragged out of my comfort zone.
to run.
i mean like wth. it was only 5minutes before the competition
1. i'm not mentally prepared
2. i havent ran fast in a long time
3. i didnt know how to pace myself. start at full speed? or what?
4. i really didnt wanna run.
5. the housemaster kept telling ppl to cheer for me so that i'll go down.
urghhhhhhhhhh. i was totally hiding myself, pretending to be a sec 3 when they asked for sec 2s.
BUT AMELIA SAW ME ): she asked for me to go down, through head signals, but i kept shaking my head. so she didnt force me. but she told ruth zzz. and ruth RAN TO TELL THE HOUSEMASTER ): and the housemaster came dragging me down D:
i totally sucked, anyway.
i didnt dare run at full speed cause i was afraid that i'll totall die half way. which i did, after reahcing the container classrooms. my legs went numb and my butt ached like hell D:
struggled my way through at the last 150m or so. sat on the grass until yuhong came to me with a bottle of water.
LIKE, THANKYOU. I NEEDED IT. i didnt drink a drop of water since 7.30 and they made me run and then i was totally drained of water.
my legs were working totally fine after the run, just that my butt muscles refused to cooperate so i totally didnt feel like standing up.
and i realised i cant rmb what i was thinking during the run.
and thennn i wallowed in self pity ):
well, yuhong tried to make me feel better. and thankyou, i appreciate it.
got this st john guy too. he's like telling me that i was quite fast alrdy.
but i was so horrible. the moment he finished, i said "SHIT lah. where got fast, i was so darn slow ):" and then i realised how rude i was being and immediately covered my mouth :X
oh it was horrible ):
sizheng saw me and was like "AMANDA!"
i just gave him a half smile and sat down. too disappointed, you see?
more choir ppl saw me and everyone went "I SAW YOU RUN! O:"
oh but thankyou, they tried to make me feel better too.
went to JP with chingxing and qingyi to watch SING TO THE DAWN
it wasnt really good. they changed the story too much and the animation is horrible.
the songs were quite nice though. almost like a semi musical.
but the book is REALLY REALLY very very meaningful.
read it, everyone :D
oh we smuggled subway into the cinema LOL.
shaun of 2k was at JP too. they were having lunch at billy bombers when we were in the cinema. and they watched THE COFFIN.
i wanna watch that too! D:
did ANOTHER bank transfer. again.
cause it'll be long and i dont wanna waste your time.
25 october 2008, saturday.
there's choir today so i woke up at 6pm left house at 7pm and reached school at 8pm.
right on the dot :D
PT was okay, cx and i slacked abit LOL until yujun found us and made us run -.-
had a drink and when i checked my phone, there was 12 miss calls from leelaoshi. like who wont wonder what it's for? called her back.
"yuling, do you know that you're down for club activity?"
" HUH?"
"didnt your director inform you? who's your director?"
"uhm. joshua. ohya, and alvin."
"those two arh, cannot make it lah. can you come to toa payoh now?"
" ............ [super super unwilling] but im having cca now o.o"
" just come down. i'll tell ong chun ling"
" uh. okay lor. how to go?"
tongjing: " take 139 from toa payoh, alight at the 6th stop."
"okay. byebye"
hais. you see,
1. i went to school for nothing.
2. i did PT for NOTHING
4. miss tham is coming for this prac D:
5. i didnt even know that i was involved.
so obviously, there was a miscommunitcation DUE TO MY SISTER :D
yes. my very very dear dear sister did not pass on the message. how does this involve her, you ask? you see, tongjing and my sister are friends. so tongjing asked for my contact details and IC number THROUGH her. my sis told me to type it for her, and i thought it was for some admin stuff or sth, so i didnt ask any further.
as soon as i finished typing, my sis chased me away. and i totally didnt know that i was supposed to attend anything. and obviously, after i left, tongjing was telling "me" what the activity is about. except that i wasnt there.
and my sis didnt care enough to tell me.
and so, i didnt know.
and so, she caused all this trouble.
again. for me.
it was quite fun. went around block 21 to do health surveys. and i got the chance to use cantonese! O: quite cool, really. LOL
i requested to leave early cause i had a BBQ at 6.30pm zzz.
well. i reached home at 6.30pm, chiong chiong chiong. bathed, dried my hair, whatever.
stupid cm kept asking me where i am.
went to the basketball court to find them. LOL. they're all taller than me. as usual. just a larger difference in height -.-
they wanted me to play with them as well. LOL. but i dont know how to ._. so i just watched them play, and it was hard to recognise them at first cause
1. it's dark,
2. my eyesight sucks.
3. they're unfamiliar to me cause i didnt see them for at least 9 months.
stupid cm, keep acting pro. but there's this yellow shirt guy who's better than him ._.
i told shinan that. and he say that guy very shuai, asked me if i wanted his number -__-
seriously, he's still that jerk i know. LOL. nah. he's nice.
went to get some food cause they didnt want me to just sit there and feed mosquitoes. CM'S MUM PREPARED SO MUCH FOOD O:
we didnt eat much. no one wanted to eat -__- cm's friend damn excited about the lucky draw LOL. keep trying to see if the numbers match.
and chinming was acting retarded.
"what is my name?"
"what's that thing you're holding on your hand?" [my handphone]
"what is a handphone?"
etc. everything you say, he'll start asking stupid questions. shinan got pissed in the end LOL.
we were still waiting for peihan and hansheng. so we chat abit first.
and i found out some stuff ): horribly sad. geknian blurted it out. just like him to do something like that. but ohwell, i suspected as much when they started acting all weird upon me mentioning hansheng -.-
you see, hansheng is my dearest deardeardear kor. and i love him to hell.
so naturally, i'd feel super sad when i found out about it. and then shinan emoed [for about 3 seconds] with me while chinming continue to act retarded zzz. well, of course things became better. because cm was too retarded LOL. so we all laughed again.
walked to kfc to meet korrrrr :D
he's super skinny. like all bones, and nothing else. abit scary LOL.
OH, AND DID I MENTION, ALL THEIR VOICES CHANGED. it felt so weird. especially shinan's and hansheng's. cm was okay. geknian's voice still as childish hahahahaha.
they went back to playing basketball and peihan came at 10+.
he chat with me for awhile before the guys noticed his presence -__-
he's nice to talk to. he has always been nicer to girls than the rest hahaha. the rest stopped playing and joined us, and everyone started to talk about results LOL.
i kept my mouth shut. well, i tried to. they all kept saying that they fail this fail that and fail this, i couldnt help but grimace. so they caught my weird expression and started on the whole RV thing. "got someone here hor, from RV de." etc. so horrible ):
but cm's result quite good, and he still so guai. more guai than me lor. he listens to his mum! O:
we talked about ex-classmates, and found out some really funny stuff. i mean, the way they put it, makes it feel really funny LOL. but time flew pass. it was 12am i think, so i went back up while the guys slept over at cm's house which was well, at the opposite block of mine.
26 october 2008, sunday
there was work today :D
SO DAMN FUN. omg LOL. oh comeon. you guys wont understand the joy.
the people there are tooooooo nice, i cant stand it ahahahaha.
time zoomed past ): and it was 8pm.
went to louis' house for his birthday party.
his hosue was near juying, so i alighted at juying's bus stop and a whole bunch of people were waiting for me LOL. hansheng, louis, peihan, a few guys i dont recognise, geknian.
shien called to say she was coming too, so peihan and geknian stayed to wait for her while hansheng brought me to louis' house.
liping, germane, weiming, shinan, cheesern, and many many people were there alrdy, playing cards -.-
EVEN PEKKHOON WAS THERE. she said they called her while she was having dinner, so she came. i tell you, she'll never do that if i'm the one who called. awwwwww ):
weiming was drunk -.-
i cant remember much, except that many people drank the 40++% alcohol and wine.
went to another room to play blackjack after eating the birthday cake. LOUIS THE BIRTHDAY BOY DIDNT EAT ANY! ): we felt so bad luh ):
i made kor stand up so i could sit. LOL. cause i was super tired after 10.5 hours of work. heh.
and i have a feeling kor's kor dont like me. as in, hanlong. he kept staring/glaring at me with very scary eyes. i tried to avoid it.
peihan volunteered to send us home. i asked him to ask kor to come too, and he did. along with geknian and gavin. sent pek home first cause she quite near there, and i took my bus home :D
see, they're nice guys. no way they'd have let us go back on our own when it's so late eh? LOL ._.
slept at 2.40am.
as far as i know, the guys played mahjong through the night and left louis' house only the next day.
27th october 2008, monday
super busy :D:D:D and the manager's SO nice, i'm falling in love with my job.heh.
the people who know where i work will know about the various things that happened when i worked. so i dont have to blog it here [:
i slept super peacefully today :D well, he was with me when i slept, how could i not sleep well?
28th october 2008, tuesday
school. boring
cca. so-so. PT again.
miss tham came.
29th october 2008, wednesday
there was this SC investiture hahaha. boring, boring, boring.
the rest could go home at 1pm! -sulks-
well, -mood lifts-
I went to watch HSMMMMMMMMMMMMM 3! :D
with chingxing. she rewatched it [: [:
it was nice! the songs are quite nice too :D
ask chingxing for them, she has EVERYTHING
chat with my kor,
now i'm hoping that day will come really soon.
i cant bear it.
30th october 2008, thursday
ehhhhhhhhhh, lemme think.
school, i slept through it except for lang arts.
i thought the previous one was funnier ):
but oh well, it was entertaining. kept me from sleeping again.
did the survey in place of lizhen at the lab, and went to JE with kheehui, pauline, yili for lunch.
ate at koba. dont really like it.
mutang and irene's BF tees, my belt, skinnies, watch, and shirt :D
such bliss [:
did 2 bank transfers. i bought stuff again D:
"nonono ! continue spending. money is meant to be spent >D"
" you're supposed to be saving up RIGHT? you promised not to buy anything until the end of december!"
"oh come on, a little wont hurt."
urgh. the devil won, as usual.
i cant rmb what i did at home. chat i think.
31st October 2008, friday
ohyes, the sports meet.
i was super bored.
though the pushball competition was REALLY fun. LOL
YAY TO SEC ONES! :D:D:D hahahah.
the not so nice thing is, i got bloody dragged out of my comfort zone.
to run.
i mean like wth. it was only 5minutes before the competition
1. i'm not mentally prepared
2. i havent ran fast in a long time
3. i didnt know how to pace myself. start at full speed? or what?
4. i really didnt wanna run.
5. the housemaster kept telling ppl to cheer for me so that i'll go down.
urghhhhhhhhhh. i was totally hiding myself, pretending to be a sec 3 when they asked for sec 2s.
BUT AMELIA SAW ME ): she asked for me to go down, through head signals, but i kept shaking my head. so she didnt force me. but she told ruth zzz. and ruth RAN TO TELL THE HOUSEMASTER ): and the housemaster came dragging me down D:
i totally sucked, anyway.
i didnt dare run at full speed cause i was afraid that i'll totall die half way. which i did, after reahcing the container classrooms. my legs went numb and my butt ached like hell D:
struggled my way through at the last 150m or so. sat on the grass until yuhong came to me with a bottle of water.
LIKE, THANKYOU. I NEEDED IT. i didnt drink a drop of water since 7.30 and they made me run and then i was totally drained of water.
my legs were working totally fine after the run, just that my butt muscles refused to cooperate so i totally didnt feel like standing up.
and i realised i cant rmb what i was thinking during the run.
and thennn i wallowed in self pity ):
well, yuhong tried to make me feel better. and thankyou, i appreciate it.
got this st john guy too. he's like telling me that i was quite fast alrdy.
but i was so horrible. the moment he finished, i said "SHIT lah. where got fast, i was so darn slow ):" and then i realised how rude i was being and immediately covered my mouth :X
oh it was horrible ):
sizheng saw me and was like "AMANDA!"
i just gave him a half smile and sat down. too disappointed, you see?
more choir ppl saw me and everyone went "I SAW YOU RUN! O:"
oh but thankyou, they tried to make me feel better too.
went to JP with chingxing and qingyi to watch SING TO THE DAWN
it wasnt really good. they changed the story too much and the animation is horrible.
the songs were quite nice though. almost like a semi musical.
but the book is REALLY REALLY very very meaningful.
read it, everyone :D
oh we smuggled subway into the cinema LOL.
shaun of 2k was at JP too. they were having lunch at billy bombers when we were in the cinema. and they watched THE COFFIN.
i wanna watch that too! D:
did ANOTHER bank transfer. again.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
to think all this while, i held onto the belief that he wont change much.
i imagined him as the way he used to be, ignoring the fact that people change.
i never probed deep enough to understand what he was going through.
and tonight, all eyes and hears, it was almost unbelievable
how much he changed.
as we sat around, he sat alone.
then off he went, alone again.
to a lonesome corner, hidden from us all.
and even when we saw him, he still tried to hide.
hide hide hide. my heart writhed and twisted and died, again.
'cause beneath that facade, lies an empty space.
blog tmr. super tired LOL
i imagined him as the way he used to be, ignoring the fact that people change.
i never probed deep enough to understand what he was going through.
and tonight, all eyes and hears, it was almost unbelievable
how much he changed.
as we sat around, he sat alone.
then off he went, alone again.
to a lonesome corner, hidden from us all.
and even when we saw him, he still tried to hide.
hide hide hide. my heart writhed and twisted and died, again.
'cause beneath that facade, lies an empty space.
blog tmr. super tired LOL
Friday, October 24, 2008
today as a greatttttt day [:
1) i didnt feel that tired anymore. i have no idea why though. i did sleep for awhile lah, of course :D
2) i survived choir without getting too bored.
3) we were released early
1) i didnt feel that tired anymore. i have no idea why though. i did sleep for awhile lah, of course :D
2) i survived choir without getting too bored.
3) we were released early
Thursday, October 23, 2008
i've been trying to convince myself that i dont regret doing what i did, and amazingly, for the first time, i succeeded.
look, i dont know.
blame it on the fact that i know too much.
i cant put away the biasness because of the things i know. though i've been trying.
well, it's tiring. and i'm getting nowhere.
it had been okay.
i dont regret whatever i did because i hoped she'd be sensible enough to understand.
well, she didnt exactly understand, but she thought enough not to make a big fuss over it with me. whether she did with others, i dont know.
we dont see eye to eye. that's not the first time, really.
and i'm sick and tired of trying to fit in, so i dont really care anymore.
let it spread, like how secrets always does.
let it unfold, the unyielding future.
let it be told, the ugly truth.
learn to let go, as hanging on harms nothing but yourself.
blame it on the fact that i know too much.
i cant put away the biasness because of the things i know. though i've been trying.
well, it's tiring. and i'm getting nowhere.
it had been okay.
i dont regret whatever i did because i hoped she'd be sensible enough to understand.
well, she didnt exactly understand, but she thought enough not to make a big fuss over it with me. whether she did with others, i dont know.
we dont see eye to eye. that's not the first time, really.
and i'm sick and tired of trying to fit in, so i dont really care anymore.
let it spread, like how secrets always does.
let it unfold, the unyielding future.
let it be told, the ugly truth.
learn to let go, as hanging on harms nothing but yourself.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
oh man ): i'm so horrible ._.
okay you see, i slept throughout the slack periods which is like, everything except for CID and maths. FINALLY, THE STUPID PRESENTATION IS DONE AND OVER WITH! HOORAY! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
oh ho ho.
and then i woke up feeling horrible because i always do when i have to wake up from my dreamless sleep.
maths was, okayyyyy.
before you go "ohmygosh how can amanda's handwriting be so messy that the marker can't read what she's writing?!", it's actually not my fault :D
you see, the answer was supposed to be y(y+1)(y-1) right?
so i accidentally wrote y(ysquare +1)(y-1) and i realised it lah DUH, so i cancelled out that superscripted 2. however, THE MARKER THOUGHT I WAS WRITING SOMETHING ELSE, and took my one beautiful mark away! :D
wow D:
cause when i cancelled out the 2, it looked like n. LOL. so i demostrated to ms wong. and she said she'll go ask the marker -.- like, PLEASE, they dont let us use correction tape, IS THEIR FAULT CAN! now i have to cancel and then they mark me down. what the oh my goshy right?!
comm meeting as. ohhwellll.
i feel so troublesome. i cant be sure whether i can attend the camp or not.
and then i felt quite expressionless that whole day, so i basically stoned with my face like -___-
that. which isnt very nice, i suppose.
ohyes, i cant stop getting into brainless arguments.
like the one on weijie's blog. they really mei shi zhao shi zuo lor.
the IFAAA HUDGENS (self made name -.-) and DRZ (too shameless to disclose name, i guess)
seriously, cant stand people like them lor.
worse is, they're making me stupider by getting into their stupid arguments!
still, it's fun :D entertaining. they have such naive thinkings. LOL
oh ho ho.
and then i woke up feeling horrible because i always do when i have to wake up from my dreamless sleep.
maths was, okayyyyy.
before you go "ohmygosh how can amanda's handwriting be so messy that the marker can't read what she's writing?!", it's actually not my fault :D
you see, the answer was supposed to be y(y+1)(y-1) right?
so i accidentally wrote y(ysquare +1)(y-1) and i realised it lah DUH, so i cancelled out that superscripted 2. however, THE MARKER THOUGHT I WAS WRITING SOMETHING ELSE, and took my one beautiful mark away! :D
wow D:
cause when i cancelled out the 2, it looked like n. LOL. so i demostrated to ms wong. and she said she'll go ask the marker -.- like, PLEASE, they dont let us use correction tape, IS THEIR FAULT CAN! now i have to cancel and then they mark me down. what the oh my goshy right?!
comm meeting as. ohhwellll.
i feel so troublesome. i cant be sure whether i can attend the camp or not.
and then i felt quite expressionless that whole day, so i basically stoned with my face like -___-
that. which isnt very nice, i suppose.
ohyes, i cant stop getting into brainless arguments.
like the one on weijie's blog. they really mei shi zhao shi zuo lor.
the IFAAA HUDGENS (self made name -.-) and DRZ (too shameless to disclose name, i guess)
seriously, cant stand people like them lor.
worse is, they're making me stupider by getting into their stupid arguments!
still, it's fun :D entertaining. they have such naive thinkings. LOL
Sunday, October 19, 2008
why do i keep seeing people i know this few days? they're everywhere i go!
went for my job interview today heh.
now i officially have a total of 5 jobs to choose from LOL.
how tough ._.
it was raining, so we couldnt go swim at first.
but it lessened to a drizzle, so we went in the end :D:D:D
swim swim swimmmmmmmmmmmm -.-
okay. i seriously thought i was hallucinating. he doesnt live in the jurong area right! zzzz.
work tomorrow omgomgomg :D:D:D:D
now i officially have a total of 5 jobs to choose from LOL.
how tough ._.
it was raining, so we couldnt go swim at first.
but it lessened to a drizzle, so we went in the end :D:D:D
swim swim swimmmmmmmmmmmm -.-
okay. i seriously thought i was hallucinating. he doesnt live in the jurong area right! zzzz.
work tomorrow omgomgomg :D:D:D:D
Saturday, October 18, 2008
it's over, it's over. amanda, get over it. he doesnt care, no he doesnt :D
i saw he qiang on the bus ytd! O:
okay. he saw me first. i didnt realise it until he called me .
he's my primary school senior and we used to be quite good friends.
oh well. things happen :D
it was damn damn damn awkward, though.
cause i didnt see him for uhm. almost 2 years. wooo~
the concert rocked, nacturally [:
i shall do the three things everyday.
#1 Replace all wrong thinking with the word f God.
#2 Confess aloud the promises of God to yourself
#3 Visualise the blessings in your imagination
and hohoho, i went all the way to the front yesterday cause i'm one of the back slider .___.
so weijie and another lady in her 20s or so prayed for me HEH.
they're so nice ._.
ohyesohyes, francis was there too! HE WAS RIGHT INFRONT OF ME LOL.
jieyi was like saying, "there francis francis! " then i went "HUH? FRANCIS?"
so loudly that he heard me. and immediately turned around. LOL
but he's very very devoted to God :D
yunyi was there too. and alfred was there too! long time no see, and he became a giant -.-
like totally BIG. abit scary hor.
and that zhixiong came with ivan -.-
zhixiong is veryveryveryvery horrible.
the first thing he said when he saw me was, " AIYO. 看到你就 suay 一百年阿!"
wlaooooooooooooooooo! so i just said that i'll continue cursing him heh.
and he hit me on the head with the disc we got from the church.
the hit was light, but weijie and i started hitting him with the wrapping paper that she bought last time. LOL. ivan and the rest also help by saying that he's not a gentleman because he hit girls. hahaha
so then, we said byebye to them, and i dragged weijie away cause her parents are angry that she's home so late O:
it's now that i realise that i still have tons of things to do -___-
CID, comp proj, EOY camp, class chalet.
but i alrdy have a few jobs on hand! D:
MAY GOD BE WITH ME! so that i can juggle everything properly.
okay. he saw me first. i didnt realise it until he called me .
he's my primary school senior and we used to be quite good friends.
oh well. things happen :D
it was damn damn damn awkward, though.
cause i didnt see him for uhm. almost 2 years. wooo~
the concert rocked, nacturally [:
i shall do the three things everyday.
#1 Replace all wrong thinking with the word f God.
#2 Confess aloud the promises of God to yourself
#3 Visualise the blessings in your imagination
and hohoho, i went all the way to the front yesterday cause i'm one of the back slider .___.
so weijie and another lady in her 20s or so prayed for me HEH.
they're so nice ._.
ohyesohyes, francis was there too! HE WAS RIGHT INFRONT OF ME LOL.
jieyi was like saying, "there francis francis! " then i went "HUH? FRANCIS?"
so loudly that he heard me. and immediately turned around. LOL
but he's very very devoted to God :D
yunyi was there too. and alfred was there too! long time no see, and he became a giant -.-
like totally BIG. abit scary hor.
and that zhixiong came with ivan -.-
zhixiong is veryveryveryvery horrible.
the first thing he said when he saw me was, " AIYO. 看到你就 suay 一百年阿!"
wlaooooooooooooooooo! so i just said that i'll continue cursing him heh.
and he hit me on the head with the disc we got from the church.
the hit was light, but weijie and i started hitting him with the wrapping paper that she bought last time. LOL. ivan and the rest also help by saying that he's not a gentleman because he hit girls. hahaha
so then, we said byebye to them, and i dragged weijie away cause her parents are angry that she's home so late O:
it's now that i realise that i still have tons of things to do -___-
CID, comp proj, EOY camp, class chalet.
but i alrdy have a few jobs on hand! D:
MAY GOD BE WITH ME! so that i can juggle everything properly.
Friday, October 17, 2008
all hail the lion city! go to hell, the ugly singaporeans. it'll be a better place for you, really [:
ugly singaporeans as in, singaporeans who demonstrate embarrassing traits. read on.
TODAY WAS CRAZY as in, crazy for me.
not because exams are over. i'd prefer having exams every single day if that means i can go straight home after that. seriously, i dont mind. why dont we just do that! :D
the thing is, i went home.
and started doing all those stuff.
so i went to jurong point POSB bank.
do what?
bank transferssssss.
so i was quietly lining up, while more and more and more people piled behind me. then in came this obasang in her late thirties. she was sweating like a pig (i think) and fanning herself with this thin piece of paper. the very very thin slip of paper.
so, being a very very very thin slip of paper, OBVIOUSLY, it doesnt move the air much to create wind to cool herself down. she doesnt seem to realise that yaknow, and kept fanning that stupid piece of paper and making a hell lot of noise with it. i mean like. hey. the bank is almost as quiet as the library lah! okay so whatever. not my business.
it's about to be my turn soon. so i waited. and waited. and waited. then there was this GUY, 2 peeps in front of me. it's his turn, so he went to the farthest counter. the person behind the counter she turned to me and started pointing to me, and back to him and to me again [you get it]. i thought she was asking "is he your father?"
LOL. so obviously i shook my head. then she started telling that guy to go line up. LOL. so then i realised that she was trying to ask, " was he lining up?" so of course. i'm not that horrible. i was about to walk towards the person to tell her that he did line up, WHEN THAT WOMAN IN HER THIRTIES SAID TO ME, " OI! you arh. where can like that one. he got line up you say he didnt?!" in chinese. i was like " i know. i heard see wrongly, i'm gonna go tell her now!" in chinese.
then that $*(^&*(*(^ still bushuang say, "your parents got teach you cannot lie anot! what's your school arh? so lou ya de arh?" in chinese. so OBVIOUSLY I GOT BLOODY PISSED OFF. like what the hell. i already told her i see wrongly. what's wrong with her. ignore. she was standing quite far away from me, so most of the people lining up could hear. whatever.
then she started fanning herself again. so being me, i got super annoyed. super super super super super annoyed. so i turned to her and said in the softest possible voice, but still audible from her side and said, "小姐,你可以不要用那张纸来作扇子吗?吵到其他人!"
aunty: -glares- 关你什么事?
me: -stares- 你吵到我就关我的事!再说,你的这种行为也骚扰到别人。银行这么静的环境被你破坏了,真是没公德心。请你停止这种行为。[okay i know i sound like i'm writing essay or something, but i really did say this. and i really really am not lying. just that i cant remember the exact words i said cause i said too much stuff.]
aunty: -stuns-
me: 听不懂华文啊?it's okay, i'll repeat myself in English. Do you know that by fanning yourself with that piece of paper, you're producing a lot of noise that is disturbing the customers here. And since i'm one of the customers here, you're disturbing me and i have the right to tell you to stop doing this. You are also destroying the quiet ambience in this bank and that is totally inconsiderate.
aunty: [dont know why she understands english] 你有什么资格说我![so drama right? -__-]
me: 我再说多一次。你吵到了我,我自然有权要求你按景点。如果我没资格做这么基本的事,那么你更没资格说我没家教,因为那根本就不关你的事。下次说话,请放尊重点。
aunty: -stuns- [i dont know what's wrong with her.]
me: 还是听不懂?[was about to translate into english again, but it's my turn, so forget it.]
like, i dont mean to "disrespect" an ELDERLY [chuckles] but seriously, i didnt even say anything rude. it was in proper sentences, proper words found in the dictionary, and totally polite enough lah! she's just plain horrible. and just in case you think it's too dramatic to be true, i'm telling you, there's such aunties like her in singapore. sad, but true. tragic, but true.
how can such people even BE in singapore?!
nevermind. she embarrassed herself. i'm quite sure i didnt. cause everyone was smiling after the mini drama. cool. howhowhow cool. but still, that woman is annoying. i thought she looked 50 when she was stoning there.
okay so obviously the banker also saw what happened lah. LOL.
and she was smiling and grinning and dunno what at me. it was damn spastic i tell you.
i almost wanted to laugh out loud when i saw her face LOL. but anyway, she was very nice.
and she's very young too! O:
i used to think all bankers are old and frowny and wrinkly and all horrible, like that aunty.
the end. of the stupid bank transfer incident. seriously, seriously horrible. singaporeans, that is.
oh there's another concert later [: CITY HARVEST CHURCCCCCHHHH ♥ heh.
it's the 2nd one i think.
weijieweijieweijieweijie hohoho.
hell, i missssed her much [:
byebyebyebyebye! :D
TODAY WAS CRAZY as in, crazy for me.
not because exams are over. i'd prefer having exams every single day if that means i can go straight home after that. seriously, i dont mind. why dont we just do that! :D
the thing is, i went home.
and started doing all those stuff.
so i went to jurong point POSB bank.
do what?
bank transferssssss.
so i was quietly lining up, while more and more and more people piled behind me. then in came this obasang in her late thirties. she was sweating like a pig (i think) and fanning herself with this thin piece of paper. the very very thin slip of paper.
so, being a very very very thin slip of paper, OBVIOUSLY, it doesnt move the air much to create wind to cool herself down. she doesnt seem to realise that yaknow, and kept fanning that stupid piece of paper and making a hell lot of noise with it. i mean like. hey. the bank is almost as quiet as the library lah! okay so whatever. not my business.
it's about to be my turn soon. so i waited. and waited. and waited. then there was this GUY, 2 peeps in front of me. it's his turn, so he went to the farthest counter. the person behind the counter she turned to me and started pointing to me, and back to him and to me again [you get it]. i thought she was asking "is he your father?"
LOL. so obviously i shook my head. then she started telling that guy to go line up. LOL. so then i realised that she was trying to ask, " was he lining up?" so of course. i'm not that horrible. i was about to walk towards the person to tell her that he did line up, WHEN THAT WOMAN IN HER THIRTIES SAID TO ME, " OI! you arh. where can like that one. he got line up you say he didnt?!" in chinese. i was like " i know. i heard see wrongly, i'm gonna go tell her now!" in chinese.
then that $*(^&*(*(^ still bushuang say, "your parents got teach you cannot lie anot! what's your school arh? so lou ya de arh?" in chinese. so OBVIOUSLY I GOT BLOODY PISSED OFF. like what the hell. i already told her i see wrongly. what's wrong with her. ignore. she was standing quite far away from me, so most of the people lining up could hear. whatever.
then she started fanning herself again. so being me, i got super annoyed. super super super super super annoyed. so i turned to her and said in the softest possible voice, but still audible from her side and said, "小姐,你可以不要用那张纸来作扇子吗?吵到其他人!"
aunty: -glares- 关你什么事?
me: -stares- 你吵到我就关我的事!再说,你的这种行为也骚扰到别人。银行这么静的环境被你破坏了,真是没公德心。请你停止这种行为。[okay i know i sound like i'm writing essay or something, but i really did say this. and i really really am not lying. just that i cant remember the exact words i said cause i said too much stuff.]
aunty: -stuns-
me: 听不懂华文啊?it's okay, i'll repeat myself in English. Do you know that by fanning yourself with that piece of paper, you're producing a lot of noise that is disturbing the customers here. And since i'm one of the customers here, you're disturbing me and i have the right to tell you to stop doing this. You are also destroying the quiet ambience in this bank and that is totally inconsiderate.
aunty: [dont know why she understands english] 你有什么资格说我![so drama right? -__-]
me: 我再说多一次。你吵到了我,我自然有权要求你按景点。如果我没资格做这么基本的事,那么你更没资格说我没家教,因为那根本就不关你的事。下次说话,请放尊重点。
aunty: -stuns- [i dont know what's wrong with her.]
me: 还是听不懂?[was about to translate into english again, but it's my turn, so forget it.]
like, i dont mean to "disrespect" an ELDERLY [chuckles] but seriously, i didnt even say anything rude. it was in proper sentences, proper words found in the dictionary, and totally polite enough lah! she's just plain horrible. and just in case you think it's too dramatic to be true, i'm telling you, there's such aunties like her in singapore. sad, but true. tragic, but true.
how can such people even BE in singapore?!
nevermind. she embarrassed herself. i'm quite sure i didnt. cause everyone was smiling after the mini drama. cool. howhowhow cool. but still, that woman is annoying. i thought she looked 50 when she was stoning there.
okay so obviously the banker also saw what happened lah. LOL.
and she was smiling and grinning and dunno what at me. it was damn spastic i tell you.
i almost wanted to laugh out loud when i saw her face LOL. but anyway, she was very nice.
and she's very young too! O:
i used to think all bankers are old and frowny and wrinkly and all horrible, like that aunty.
the end. of the stupid bank transfer incident. seriously, seriously horrible. singaporeans, that is.
oh there's another concert later [: CITY HARVEST CHURCCCCCHHHH ♥ heh.
it's the 2nd one i think.
weijieweijieweijieweijie hohoho.
hell, i missssed her much [:
byebyebyebyebye! :D
Thursday, October 16, 2008
oh puh-lease, dont give me that crap.
a note to all,
whatever i post on this blog may, or may not be my personal feelings.
and if you happen to suspect that the things that i type are about you, please clarify with me personally because i do have a social circle outside of RV.
so RV peeps, dont always think that whatever i type here concerns you guys kay [:
however, if you seriously feel that i'm talking about you, come talk to me.
i promise i wont chew your head off
in any case, you wont be feeling so if you didnt do that right? :D
做贼心虚 issit? ._.
all the best, for the very very last paper tomorrow.
which reminds me. today.
it was totally FUN FILLED :D
okay number 1 was i went to school after cutting my own hair yesterday LOL.
actually, i clipped 3/4 of my fringe up and cut the 1/4 short -.-
then i went to school and slept.
lizhen asked me a question on the taxi, which made me feel very -.- because she was totally off.
but anyway. IT WAS A GREAT DAY! not because lang paper2 was easy [i dont really care lah seriously], not because it's the 2nd last paper, but because..
#1: i took 963. and it was not lonely because jiayu was there too. so we decided to talk about some stuff. like, stuff. haha.
#2: i earned another $10 without doing anything. such bliss.
#3: i returned home from bukit panjang in record time of 27minutes 46.33seonds. thanks to bus 180 which is so darn fast :D and yes, i like timing how long i take to reach home.
#4: I WENT TO GEK POH AND SO MANY MANY NEW SHOPS. i mean. it used to be such a noob place. not that it's pro now, but there's a newly opened sweet talk! now i dont have to go all the way to jurong point basment to get my bubbletea -.- AND THERE'S THIS. SUPER. SUPER. SUPER BIG SEVEN ELEVEN. okay it's huge. so i bought 2 magazines despite my vow not to spend a single cents on useless stuff this week =\ i tried to think of it as useful. it didnt work.
oh and the design of the shopping centre is quite cool too :D much more sophisticated than before [: hehhhh.
#5: i love my dog :D
no. i wish, though. i really really really wish to have a dog.
but i dont.
or rather, not yet.
cause i definitely will, in the future.
i was just reading an article about dogs and taking care of them in the magazine. and i started to pretend i had a dog. retarded, but i've nothing else to do so yea. a good way to kill time when you have too much of it. though i'm sure those confucians , or anderson or albert einstein or some famous person who died years ago will start scolding me that there's no such thing such as "too much time". there'll always only be "too little time". too bad. i'm obstinate and i choose not to listen to you ghostly figures.
#6: i dont know, seriously. i only know i was so happy, i was singing on my way home. i took another route, which almost no one takes and sang my lungs out ._.
no one heard me.
no one heard me.
no one heard me.
no one heard me.
no one can hear me.
so with that mindset, i went ahead and sang woohoo! :D
it was totally. crazily. cool. and. refreshing. and smile-inducing.
okay, byebye [:
whatever i post on this blog may, or may not be my personal feelings.
and if you happen to suspect that the things that i type are about you, please clarify with me personally because i do have a social circle outside of RV.
so RV peeps, dont always think that whatever i type here concerns you guys kay [:
however, if you seriously feel that i'm talking about you, come talk to me.
i promise i wont chew your head off
in any case, you wont be feeling so if you didnt do that right? :D
做贼心虚 issit? ._.
all the best, for the very very last paper tomorrow.
which reminds me. today.
it was totally FUN FILLED :D
okay number 1 was i went to school after cutting my own hair yesterday LOL.
actually, i clipped 3/4 of my fringe up and cut the 1/4 short -.-
then i went to school and slept.
lizhen asked me a question on the taxi, which made me feel very -.- because she was totally off.
but anyway. IT WAS A GREAT DAY! not because lang paper2 was easy [i dont really care lah seriously], not because it's the 2nd last paper, but because..
#1: i took 963. and it was not lonely because jiayu was there too. so we decided to talk about some stuff. like, stuff. haha.
#2: i earned another $10 without doing anything. such bliss.
#3: i returned home from bukit panjang in record time of 27minutes 46.33seonds. thanks to bus 180 which is so darn fast :D and yes, i like timing how long i take to reach home.
#4: I WENT TO GEK POH AND SO MANY MANY NEW SHOPS. i mean. it used to be such a noob place. not that it's pro now, but there's a newly opened sweet talk! now i dont have to go all the way to jurong point basment to get my bubbletea -.- AND THERE'S THIS. SUPER. SUPER. SUPER BIG SEVEN ELEVEN. okay it's huge. so i bought 2 magazines despite my vow not to spend a single cents on useless stuff this week =\ i tried to think of it as useful. it didnt work.
oh and the design of the shopping centre is quite cool too :D much more sophisticated than before [: hehhhh.
#5: i love my dog :D
no. i wish, though. i really really really wish to have a dog.
but i dont.
or rather, not yet.
cause i definitely will, in the future.
i was just reading an article about dogs and taking care of them in the magazine. and i started to pretend i had a dog. retarded, but i've nothing else to do so yea. a good way to kill time when you have too much of it. though i'm sure those confucians , or anderson or albert einstein or some famous person who died years ago will start scolding me that there's no such thing such as "too much time". there'll always only be "too little time". too bad. i'm obstinate and i choose not to listen to you ghostly figures.
#6: i dont know, seriously. i only know i was so happy, i was singing on my way home. i took another route, which almost no one takes and sang my lungs out ._.
no one heard me.
no one heard me.
no one heard me.
no one heard me.
no one can hear me.
so with that mindset, i went ahead and sang woohoo! :D
it was totally. crazily. cool. and. refreshing. and smile-inducing.
okay, byebye [:
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
you guys should wait till i'm at least 1km away from you before whispering things you dont want me to hear.
i'm not a replica of her.
why would i even want to copy her?
it's just something i bring to school, you got a problem with that?
like seriously, what is wrong with you huh?
do you hate me so much, or are you plain jealous?
if you are, then please, dont make it so obvious.
because even though it's flattering, it's disgusting too, your obssession.
all hail theevil queen.
Dashing through the snow
In a one horse open sleigh
O'er the fields we go
Laughing all the way
Bells on bob tails ring
Making spirits bright
What fun it is to laugh and sing
A sleighing song tonight
Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
A day or two ago
I thought I'd take a ride
And soon Miss Fanny Bright
Was seated by my side
The horse was lean and lank
Misfortune seemed his lot
We got into a drifted bank
And then we got upsot
Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh yeah
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
oh yes. i forgot about exams.
anyway. i've to brace myself for the sucky results i got because this is really the very first time, i swear, i didnt revise.
i used to revise at least abit for exams. this time round, i really didnt.
so i wont be surprised if my gpa drops like hellish because i kinda deserve it.
for those people who get high gpas without putting in effort, you suck [:
i killed my papa~
why would i even want to copy her?
it's just something i bring to school, you got a problem with that?
like seriously, what is wrong with you huh?
do you hate me so much, or are you plain jealous?
if you are, then please, dont make it so obvious.
because even though it's flattering, it's disgusting too, your obssession.
all hail the
Dashing through the snow
In a one horse open sleigh
O'er the fields we go
Laughing all the way
Bells on bob tails ring
Making spirits bright
What fun it is to laugh and sing
A sleighing song tonight
Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
A day or two ago
I thought I'd take a ride
And soon Miss Fanny Bright
Was seated by my side
The horse was lean and lank
Misfortune seemed his lot
We got into a drifted bank
And then we got upsot
Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh yeah
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
oh yes. i forgot about exams.
anyway. i've to brace myself for the sucky results i got because this is really the very first time, i swear, i didnt revise.
i used to revise at least abit for exams. this time round, i really didnt.
so i wont be surprised if my gpa drops like hellish because i kinda deserve it.
for those people who get high gpas without putting in effort, you suck [:
i killed my papa~
Monday, October 13, 2008
oh COME ON, tell me what's the use of bio except for making us waste time staring at the paper for half a minute before tossing them into the fire?
okay. the title says it all.
i dont care, i dont care, i dont care.
like wow, i've yet to have my usual panic attack that comes to be every time i flip open the cover page of the exam paper.
bio is the most useless science, and i shall not be bothered with it :D
happy birthday mingshin
stupid retard with an IQ higher than mine D:
red is striking.
ouch. my eyes.
i dont care, i dont care, i dont care.
like wow, i've yet to have my usual panic attack that comes to be every time i flip open the cover page of the exam paper.
bio is the most useless science, and i shall not be bothered with it :D
happy birthday mingshin
stupid retard with an IQ higher than mine D:
red is striking.
ouch. my eyes.
Friday, October 10, 2008
"amanda chan is a superficial being." explain and support your answer with at least 3 world examples.
i guess,
things arent as easy as they seem to be.
especially when i can see the clear gap between ______ and i, and the differences that sets her apart from me.
how truly sad this is.
things arent as easy as they seem to be.
especially when i can see the clear gap between ______ and i, and the differences that sets her apart from me.
how truly sad this is.
remind me again, is it really the exam period?
hmm. ytd, watched camp rock for the first time ._.
instead of studying geog -.- whatever.
geog was okay actually. it was simple. just that i spent so much time at the front, i didnt have time to elaborate much at the end. almost couldnt finish. scribbled through everything.
went to uh. plaza sing with mutang, zhijie and yuhong to catch EAGLE EYE :D
the atmosphere was Awkward with a big big fat gigantic humongous CAPTIAL letter A.
no one wanted to talk. i was in this super bloody hyperactive mood because of the history report hehhehhehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. you see, my hard work paid off! [:
buttttt! the movie rocksxzxzszxzszxzxzzxzzszx bigbigbig time. mutang and i were like, making so many comments and saying how OMG it is throughout the movie. hahaha.
though the main lead didnt die like he's supposed to =.=
tskkk. hohoho. computer domination. i cant wait for that to happen ._.
the trip back was quiet. with lots of starings. which made us crack up like some retarded people.
ohyes, yesterday, when i went home with simin. i was staring at her too. so i kept staring, and she kept avoiding my stare, and kept laughing until she nearly cried LOL. then on the mrt, i was still staring at her. and when she turned around to tell me sth and saw me staring at her, SHE TOTALLY JUMPED. as in, seriously, JUMP. LOL.
i bet she'd have screamed if we werent on a train -.-
anyway. so i came home, AND WATCHED MORE MOVIES :D
first, i got my daily anime quota fulfilled, and then i watched camprock again, but skipped many parts luh.
hahahaha. it was hilarious. and then i was singing to almost all the songs ._.
learned them from my sis. she performed the musical during her concert last year.
and she sang along too, when she heard me singing LOL
it was funfunfunfunfun[:
seriously, dont expect me to revise anymore. that's never gonna happen. unless my mum promises me one thing :D
hmm. ytd, watched camp rock for the first time ._.
instead of studying geog -.- whatever.
geog was okay actually. it was simple. just that i spent so much time at the front, i didnt have time to elaborate much at the end. almost couldnt finish. scribbled through everything.
went to uh. plaza sing with mutang, zhijie and yuhong to catch EAGLE EYE :D
the atmosphere was Awkward with a big big fat gigantic humongous CAPTIAL letter A.
no one wanted to talk. i was in this super bloody hyperactive mood because of the history report hehhehhehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. you see, my hard work paid off! [:
buttttt! the movie rocksxzxzszxzszxzxzzxzzszx bigbigbig time. mutang and i were like, making so many comments and saying how OMG it is throughout the movie. hahaha.
though the main lead didnt die like he's supposed to =.=
tskkk. hohoho. computer domination. i cant wait for that to happen ._.
the trip back was quiet. with lots of starings. which made us crack up like some retarded people.
ohyes, yesterday, when i went home with simin. i was staring at her too. so i kept staring, and she kept avoiding my stare, and kept laughing until she nearly cried LOL. then on the mrt, i was still staring at her. and when she turned around to tell me sth and saw me staring at her, SHE TOTALLY JUMPED. as in, seriously, JUMP. LOL.
i bet she'd have screamed if we werent on a train -.-
anyway. so i came home, AND WATCHED MORE MOVIES :D
first, i got my daily anime quota fulfilled, and then i watched camprock again, but skipped many parts luh.
hahahaha. it was hilarious. and then i was singing to almost all the songs ._.
learned them from my sis. she performed the musical during her concert last year.
and she sang along too, when she heard me singing LOL
it was funfunfunfunfun[:
seriously, dont expect me to revise anymore. that's never gonna happen. unless my mum promises me one thing :D
Thursday, October 9, 2008
more blogthings
Your Brain's Pattern |
![]() Your mind is a firestorm - full of intensity and drama. Your thoughts may seem scattered to you most of the time... But they often seem strong and passionate to those around you. You are a natural influencer. The thoughts you share are very powerful and persuading. |
You Are 52% Sociopath |
![]() You're not a sociopath, but you're very prone to antisocial behavior. Other people's opinions matter little to you. You live your own fringe life - for better or worse. |
Your Blogging Type is Unique and Avant-Garde |
![]() You're a bit ... unusual. And so is your blog. You're impulsive, and you'll often post the first thing that pops in your head. Completely uncensored, you blog tends to shock... even though that's not your intent. You tend to change your blog often, experimenting with new designs and content. |
You're Part Diva |
![]() You know that a girl's gotta work it to get her way in the world. And while you aren't about to throw a tantrum at every turn... You do amp up the drama when you know you need it. You mix charm, honesty, and kindness to get ahead. |
You Have a Fairly Strong Willpower |
![]() Temptation doesn't get the better of you all that often. If you set your mind on a goal, you'll do your best to achieve it. And while you don't have a perfect record with willpower, you do okay. If you fall off the wagon with something, you're usually not off the wagon for long. |
You Are Cameo |
![]() You are understanding and very empathetic. It's easy for you to see where people are coming from. You find so much joy from other people. You're a social butterfly, and you wouldn't live any other way. You don't tend to have acquaintances. Everyone is your friend. And all of your friends tend to be friends. You have a knack for bringing very different people together. |
You Should Rule Mercury |
![]() Close to sun, Mercury has very long days - and is rarely visible to the rest of the solar system. You are perfect to rule Mercury, because you live for the present - and can truly enjoy a day that goes on forever. Like Mercury, you are quick and elusive. Your wit is outstanding, and you can win any verbal sparring match. Some people see you as superficial, but in truth, you just play many roles and have many interests. A great manipulator, you usually get what you want from people. And they're happy to give it to you. |
Your Christmas Sprit Level: 40% |
![]() You definitely have some Christmas spirit, and you enjoy the holidays as much as the average person. You don't go over the top celebrating, and by December 26th, you're ready to pack away your decorations. You have your own special Christmas traditions, and you tend to pick and choose what you like about Christmas. The holidays are important to you, but you don't let them take over your life. |
You Are Having a Yellow Day |
![]() Today is a pretty great day for you. How could it not be with your optimistic attitude? You are very inspired right now, and your creativity is at its peak. While you are on top of the world today, be careful. You may be more fragile than you think. As long as you don't let yourself get too worked up or over-stimulated, you'll be fine. |
You Are 75% Pure |
![]() You're pretty pure, and you have no plans on changing that. You do have a devilish side though... and it will probably get the better of you. |
You Are the Ego |
![]() You take a balanced approach to your life. You definitely aren't afraid to act out on your desires - even crazy ones. But you usually think first. Morals drive you as much as hedonism does. You've been able to live a life of pleasure... without living a life of excess. |
People Envy Your Generosity |
![]() You're a giving soul, and you'd do almost anything for those you love. And they'd do anything for you! People may envy how giving you are, but more than anything, they envy those you open your heart to. |
You Belong in New York City |
![]() You're the energetic, ambitious type. And only NYC is fast enough for you. Maybe you'll set yourself up with a killer career Or simply take in all the city has to offer. |
Your Chances of Being a Multimillionaire: 80% |
![]() You have a good chance of being a multimillionaire. Better than most people. You simply have a natural knack for money. You have the perfect personality for success. |
You Are 28% Happy |
![]() You're not miserable, but you could stand to be a lot happier. Focus on what's right in the world, and you'll be happier than you ever thought possible. |
Your Power Color Is Lime Green |
![]() At Your Highest: You are adventurous, witty, and a visionary. At Your Lowest: You feel misunderstood, like you don't fit in. In Love: You have a tough exterior but can be very dedicated. How You're Attractive: Your self-awareness and confidence lights up a room. Your Eternal Question: "What else do I need in my life?" |
Your Fashion Style is Urban |
![]() You've got a style all your own... and it works Not too trendy, not too freaky - you've got streetwear down to a science You always look cute and put together, but keep it comfortable too You're the type of girl that creates trends and inspires others to be funky |
Your Mood is a 4 |
![]() You're feeling a little down, but not totally bummed out. Your mood is on the low side of average. |
Your Depression Level: 56% |
![]() You seem to have mild depression. A lot of people fall into your range, and it's quite possible you don't need treatment. If you've been feeling this way for a while, you may want to seek help. |
Your Mouth is a Little Big |
![]() You're not a total tell all, but you don't hide who you are either. You've struck a good balance between discretion and sharing. People know you fairly well, at least on a superficial level. But you save your most revealing secrets for your best friend... or no one! |
You Are Lemon Meringue Pie |
![]() You're the perfect combo of sassy and sweet. You always know how to brighten someone's mood, but you're not overly sappy. In fact, you can be a bit too honest at times. And most people find that refreshing. While you're always true to yourself, you keep things light. That's how people are able to stomach your slightly bitter outlook. Those who like you have well refined tastes. You're complicated - and let's face it - a true enigma. You enjoy defying expectations, and there are many layers to your personality. There's not one easy way to define you. |
You Are an Afternoon Person |
![]() You can find energy any time of the day ... or night! You prefer to be out and about when most other people are. Very early mornings or very late nights aren't really your thing. You're practically solar powered, and the afternoon is when do best. |
You Have Good Manners 87% of the Time |
![]() You manners are perfect. You always carry yourself with class. You know how to be considerate toward everyone - even if they aren't considerate to you. |
oh well. i'm not studying for geog. toooo lazyyyyy.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
we slacked so much during maths cid.
then every one started playing this typing thing
but i'm sure lots of people can own me too lorr D:
88 words isnt very fast -__-
88 words
then every one started playing this typing thing
but i'm sure lots of people can own me too lorr D:
88 words isnt very fast -__-
88 words
i'm too bored ._.
Monday, October 6, 2008
quiz again.
i cant believe this quiz is still circulating. it's ancient.
oh well, it'll be a quick one. wont bother doing anything uhm. interesting. simple and straight to the point.
1. The person who tagged you is
2. Your relationship withhim her is
friends / classmate from rv.
3. Your five impressions ofhim HER.
uhm, first impressions? i cant rmb.
1. uh. abit. short. [no offence mutanggggggggg]
2. she's easily obssessed with guys.
3. she burps super loudly
4. has lots of clips on her head
5. has a very small bottle.
4. The most memorable thinghe SHE had done for you.
lemme think. uhm. uhhh.
go ear piercing with me?
5. The most memorable thinghe said to you.
uhmmmmmmm. ehhhhhhh.
"exams are boring lor"?
6. Ifhe SHE is your lover, you will
uhm. kill myself. i dont think i'm unstraight.
7. Ifhe she is your lover, the thing he she has to improve on will be
dont be such a slacker. LOL.
8. Ifhe becomes your enemy, you will:
frankly speaking, i dont know. i'm not a person who goes crying over failed relationships so i probably will just live life as it is.
9. Ifhe she becomes your enemy, the reason will be:
dont know. maybe not all opposites attract?
10. The most desired thing to do forhim her now is.
smack her in the head to get her out of lalaland.
11. Your overall impression ofhim her.
she falls in love so easily, it's freaky.
12. How do you think people around you will feel about you.
no fun.
act pro.
but that's just because they arent my good friends [:
like hell, weijie will think i'm the best bf in the world LOL.
13. The characters you love about yourself.
i complete given tasks at the speed of light (when i feel like it) and i can survive super boring/tedious tasks.
and the fact that i dont talk to strangers.
14. On the contrary, the characters you hate about yourself are.
i procrastinate.
15. The most ideal person you want to be is.
ohhoho, isnt this easy!
dont you dare say "how typical". He's so muchmuch better than any of you.
16. For people that care and like you, say something to them.
wow. there're such people? they must be out of their mind, then.
"congratulations on becoming a member of abc mental hospital. your membership card will be sent to you shortly!"
17. List the names of 10 people you want to pass on this quiz to.
1. chingxing
2. pekkhoon
3. jeslynn [provided she sees this]
4. lizhen
5. vanessa
6. ruth
7. weijie♥
8. jaydon
9. ivan
10. jieyi
Who is no. 6 having relationship with?
[ruth] no one, i think? o.o
19. Is no. 9 a male or female?
[ivan] ahahaha. he should be male [:
20. If no. 7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
[weijie & jieyi] HAHAHA. they're 'sisters'. sure, why not? :D but weijie's mine -.-
22. What is no. 2 studying?
[pekkhoon] whatever the school is teaching.
23. When was the last time you had a chat with no. 3?
[jeslynn] uhm. on the night of the concert?
24. What kind of music band does no. 8 like?
[jaydon] ahahahahahaaaaa. we've similar music taste [:
25. Does no. 1 have any siblings?
[chingxing] she's the only child.
she has a brother. i forgot all about him :D
26. Will you woo no. 3?
[jeslynn] LOL. maybe?
27. How about no. 7?
[weijie] HELL YEA! ♥
28. Is no. 4 single?
[lizhen] yes, unless she's hiding it from me.
29. What is the surname of no. 5?
[vanessa] CHAN! ha. we have the same surname too, virgo!
30. What is the hobby of no. 10?
uhm.. not sure. praying to God? :]
31. Does no.5 and 9 get along well?
[vanessa & ivan] they dont know each other, though i THINK they will. ivan's such a nice guy, you see? LOL.
32. Where is no. 2 studying at?
[pekkhoon] RV?
33. Talk something casually about no. 1?
[chingxing] KAWAIIIII
34. Have you tried developing feelings for no. 8?
[jaydon] uhmmmmmmmmmmmm.
he's my ex-maple bf. that counted? o.o
we keep in contact, as friends.
35. Where does no. 9 live at?
i have no ideaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
36. What colour does no. 4 like?
uhm. i havent gotten round to asking her that yet.
black? probably.
37. Are no.5 and 1 best friends?
[vanessa & chingxing] nope.
okay, she claims they are. so yea.
38. Does no. 1 have any pets?
[chingxing] no -.-
39. Is no. 7 the sexiest person in the world?
[weijie] TOTALLY! sexxayeeeeee babeeeee ♥
40. What is no. 10 doing now?
[jieyi] i dont know ._.
ohhohohoho. the end.
oh well, it'll be a quick one. wont bother doing anything uhm. interesting. simple and straight to the point.
1. The person who tagged you is
2. Your relationship with
friends / classmate from rv.
3. Your five impressions of
uhm, first impressions? i cant rmb.
1. uh. abit. short. [no offence mutanggggggggg]
2. she's easily obssessed with guys.
3. she burps super loudly
4. has lots of clips on her head
5. has a very small bottle.
4. The most memorable thing
lemme think. uhm. uhhh.
go ear piercing with me?
5. The most memorable thing
uhmmmmmmm. ehhhhhhh.
"exams are boring lor"?
6. If
uhm. kill myself. i dont think i'm unstraight.
7. If
dont be such a slacker. LOL.
8. If
frankly speaking, i dont know. i'm not a person who goes crying over failed relationships so i probably will just live life as it is.
9. If
dont know. maybe not all opposites attract?
10. The most desired thing to do for
smack her in the head to get her out of lalaland.
11. Your overall impression of
she falls in love so easily, it's freaky.
12. How do you think people around you will feel about you.
no fun.
act pro.
but that's just because they arent my good friends [:
like hell, weijie will think i'm the best bf in the world LOL.
13. The characters you love about yourself.
i complete given tasks at the speed of light (when i feel like it) and i can survive super boring/tedious tasks.
and the fact that i dont talk to strangers.
14. On the contrary, the characters you hate about yourself are.
i procrastinate.
15. The most ideal person you want to be is.
ohhoho, isnt this easy!
dont you dare say "how typical". He's so muchmuch better than any of you.
16. For people that care and like you, say something to them.
wow. there're such people? they must be out of their mind, then.
"congratulations on becoming a member of abc mental hospital. your membership card will be sent to you shortly!"
17. List the names of 10 people you want to pass on this quiz to.
1. chingxing
2. pekkhoon
3. jeslynn [provided she sees this]
4. lizhen
5. vanessa
6. ruth
7. weijie♥
8. jaydon
9. ivan
10. jieyi
Who is no. 6 having relationship with?
[ruth] no one, i think? o.o
19. Is no. 9 a male or female?
[ivan] ahahaha. he should be male [:
20. If no. 7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
[weijie & jieyi] HAHAHA. they're 'sisters'. sure, why not? :D but weijie's mine -.-
22. What is no. 2 studying?
[pekkhoon] whatever the school is teaching.
23. When was the last time you had a chat with no. 3?
[jeslynn] uhm. on the night of the concert?
24. What kind of music band does no. 8 like?
[jaydon] ahahahahahaaaaa. we've similar music taste [:
25. Does no. 1 have any siblings?
[chingxing] she's the only child.
she has a brother. i forgot all about him :D
26. Will you woo no. 3?
[jeslynn] LOL. maybe?
27. How about no. 7?
[weijie] HELL YEA! ♥
28. Is no. 4 single?
[lizhen] yes, unless she's hiding it from me.
29. What is the surname of no. 5?
[vanessa] CHAN! ha. we have the same surname too, virgo!
30. What is the hobby of no. 10?
uhm.. not sure. praying to God? :]
31. Does no.5 and 9 get along well?
[vanessa & ivan] they dont know each other, though i THINK they will. ivan's such a nice guy, you see? LOL.
32. Where is no. 2 studying at?
[pekkhoon] RV?
33. Talk something casually about no. 1?
[chingxing] KAWAIIIII
34. Have you tried developing feelings for no. 8?
[jaydon] uhmmmmmmmmmmmm.
he's my ex-maple bf. that counted? o.o
we keep in contact, as friends.
35. Where does no. 9 live at?
i have no ideaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
36. What colour does no. 4 like?
uhm. i havent gotten round to asking her that yet.
black? probably.
37. Are no.5 and 1 best friends?
[vanessa & chingxing] nope.
okay, she claims they are. so yea.
38. Does no. 1 have any pets?
[chingxing] no -.-
39. Is no. 7 the sexiest person in the world?
[weijie] TOTALLY! sexxayeeeeee babeeeee ♥
40. What is no. 10 doing now?
[jieyi] i dont know ._.
ohhohohoho. the end.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
the vengence that runs deep inside my heart
i guess i went out of my mind.
posting that on my blog.
though it's true and it freaks me out,
i bet you peeps are laughing at how miserable i am now.
dont worry, i wont be alright for a long time, so you'll have plenty of time to laugh and joke over my misery. dont worry.
Friday, October 3, 2008
a string of birthdays [:
hahaha my dear buddy [:
jiayou for choir kay! you'll be able to do muchhh better. i've faith in you yea!
jiayou for EOYS! :D
it's approx1 hours away now!
thanks for always being such a supportive senior!
all the best for your EOYS, GOD BLESS! ♥
last but not least,
your bday is 25 hours away :D
jy for EOYS! [:
hahaha my dear buddy [:
jiayou for choir kay! you'll be able to do muchhh better. i've faith in you yea!
jiayou for EOYS! :D
it's approx1 hours away now!
thanks for always being such a supportive senior!
all the best for your EOYS, GOD BLESS! ♥
last but not least,
your bday is 25 hours away :D
jy for EOYS! [:
blogthings for fun.
quizzes from blogthings. some koped from mutang's blog [:
uhm. i'm alrdy pigginggg out! D:
okay. what the hell.
i passed by 1%. wow. how unreal.
really? o.o
not again. i cant imagine myself as successful, really.
AGAIN. wth. i am not successful lah! but the mistake part is ohh-so-true.
the only problem is that i dont have any perspective on life.
this is. generally. true. unfortunately.
ahh. (pukegagsvomityuckyuckyuck)
HAHAHAHAHA. how true, how true :D
HAHAHA thankyou thankyou :D
i'm single duh, and yes, i spend many nights alone at home ):
crap. i hate ketchup.
precisely. it's so average.
zzzz. how long have i spent doing these lame quizzes?
You Are Extremely Thin |
![]() Your BMI is 15.4 - a healthy BMI falls between 18.5 and 25 You definitely don't need to lose weight. In fact, you need to gain some weight to ensure you're healthy. So go ahead and pig out! Don't agree? Blame the government standards we based this test on! |
uhm. i'm alrdy pigginggg out! D:
The Part of You That No One Sees |
![]() You are unique, witty, and even a little snobby. You're quite proud of who you are, and nothing is going to change that. You've paved your own way in life, and you've ended up where you want to be. Underneath it all, you feel very isolated from the rest of the world. It's hard to find people to relate to you on every level. The mundane interests of your friends and family often bore or depress you. |
okay. what the hell.
You Are 51% Real |
![]() You're pretty real with people, but you can't help hiding a good part of yourself. You're not truly happy with who you are at times... and believe it or not, it shows. Try not to hide parts of your life from the people who matter to you. Your friends and family are probably a lot more accepting than you realize! |
i passed by 1%. wow. how unreal.
Your Famous Last Words Will Be: |
![]() "Nice doggy." |
What Your Soul Really Looks Like |
![]() You are a warm hearted and open minded person. It's easy for you to forgive and forget. You are a very grounded, responsible, and realistic person. People may not want to hear the truth from you, but they're going to get it. You see yourself with pretty objective eyes. How you view yourself is almost exactly how other people view you. Your near future is calm, relaxing, and pretty much what you want. And it's something you've been anticipating for a while now. For you, falling in love is all about flirting and feeling playful. You couldn't fall in love with someone who took life too seriously. |
really? o.o
You Are Loafers |
![]() You are confident, powerful, and successful. Hard working and business like, you always dress and act appropriately. You are consistent and a bit conservative. You aren't really susceptible to trends, although you always dress well. While you tend to be formal, you know how to adapt to your surroundings. So are professional at work... but more laid back when your with your friends. You should live: In a huge city You should work: In a competitive field where you can rise to the top |
not again. i cant imagine myself as successful, really.
Your Hair Should Be Brown |
![]() You are an intelligent, well respected person. You are very confident. You take yourself seriously, and other people take you seriously too. You are a good leader, and you can be trusted with someone's life. You motivate people well, and you command respect easily. You are competent, successful, and organized. You can't stand chaos. Some people mistake you for being cold, calculating, or elitist. |
AGAIN. wth. i am not successful lah! but the mistake part is ohh-so-true.
What Your Purple Umbrella Says About You |
![]() When faced with adversity, you remain together and graceful. You are very balanced, and it's hard for you to let yourself get too down. You are brainy and philosophical. It's hard for you to lose your broad perspective on life. You accept things as they are. You don't try to change anything that can't be changed. On a rainy day: you should spend the day reading |
the only problem is that i dont have any perspective on life.
You Are A Gold Girl |
![]() You're dependable and hard working. You never miss a deadline - and you're never late. You have a clear sense of right and wrong. You're very detail oriented. You get frustrated when your friends are sloppy - or when they don't follow through. You're on top of things, and you wish that everyone else was! |
this is. generally. true. unfortunately.
What Your White Outfit Means |
![]() You're a natural beauty - and you never let your fashion steal the show. You have a quiet confidence that you'll look great in almost anything. While you may feel understated, men are attracted to your mystery. Designer match: Gucci Signature accessory: A cashmere scarf |
ahh. (pukegagsvomityuckyuckyuck)
You Are 40% Healthy |
![]() You're on your way to having a healthy diet, but you have a ways to go. Everything is okay in moderation. But you don't quite have moderation figured out yet. |
HAHAHAHAHA. how true, how true :D
You Are an Excellent Cook |
![]() You're a top cook, but you weren't born that way. It's taken a lot of practice, a lot of experimenting, and a lot of learning. It's likely that you have what it takes to be a top chef, should you have the desire... |
HAHAHA thankyou thankyou :D
Your English Skills: |
![]() Spelling: 100% Grammar: 80% Vocabulary: 80% Punctuation: 60% |
Your Animal Personality |
![]() Your Power Animal: Deer Animal You Were in a Past Life: Panda You are a fun-seeker - an adventurous, risk-taker. While you are spontaneous, you are not very rational. |
What Your Fridge Says About You |
![]() You like to be surrounded by things you love. You aren't exactly greedy, but you can be materialistic at times. You are a very thrifty person. You don't like to waste money... or food. You don't tend to be a very adventurous person, but you do surprise everyone now and then. You have a bit of a wild side. You are responsible, together, and mature. You act like an adult, even when you don't feel like it. You are likely single - and spending many nights alone at home. |
i'm single duh, and yes, i spend many nights alone at home ):
You Are Ketchup |
![]() You are easy going and very measured in your approach to life. Popular and well liked, you get along with everyone. Seriously, everyone loves you! Your taste tends to be pretty mainstream American. You go for the classic favorites: burgers, fries, and apple pie. You get along best with mustard and mayonnaise personalities. |
crap. i hate ketchup.
What Your Taste in Music Says About You |
![]() Your musical tastes are intense and rebellious. You are intelligent... but in a very unconventional way. You are curious about the world. You love doing something new. In fact, you enjoy taking risks and doing things most people would shy away from. You are very physical. It's likely that you're athletic, but not into team sports. You have the soul of an artist. Beauty and harmony are important to you. |
You Had an Average Year |
![]() While you had some setbacks, your year also brought some good things. All in all, things mostly evened out. That's just how life works. Focus on what went well for you - and what you can improve. A new year is a perfect reason to give yourself a fresh start! |
precisely. it's so average.
What Your Sleeping Position Says |
![]() You are secretly sensitive, but you often put up a front. Shy and private, you yearn for security. You take relationships slowly. You need lots of reassurances before you can trust. If you don't get enough sleep, you are: Cranky and a big baby It's hard to sleep next to you because: You are a light sleeper |
zzzz. how long have i spent doing these lame quizzes?
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