Thursday, October 23, 2008

i've been trying to convince myself that i dont regret doing what i did, and amazingly, for the first time, i succeeded.

look, i dont know.
blame it on the fact that i know too much.
i cant put away the biasness because of the things i know. though i've been trying.
well, it's tiring. and i'm getting nowhere.

it had been okay.
i dont regret whatever i did because i hoped she'd be sensible enough to understand.
well, she didnt exactly understand, but she thought enough not to make a big fuss over it with me. whether she did with others, i dont know.
we dont see eye to eye. that's not the first time, really.
and i'm sick and tired of trying to fit in, so i dont really care anymore.
let it spread, like how secrets always does.
let it unfold, the unyielding future.
let it be told, the ugly truth.

learn to let go, as hanging on harms nothing but yourself.

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