Monday, November 3, 2008

it's a quiz O:

1. Where would you go if someone sponsors you an air ticket?
... how tempting. i dont know, really. any european country will totally rock my brain out of my skull.

2. What's your favourite thing to do?
uhm, work? collect money :D:D:D

3. Do you think money can buy happiness?
superficially, yes. but we all know money cant buy some really important stuff right?

4. If you were given a chance to receive something, what would it be?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5. Things you cant live without.
my phone
air-con -.-

i'd say friends, family and blah but they arent THINGS.

6. What are you afraid to lose?
some very dear friends.
my phone ):

7. If you win $1 million US dollars, what would you do?
uhhh, travel around the world, buy shares to fry LOL
uhm, buy a new wardrobe and fill it up, give the rest of the money to my mum :D

8. What do you dream of doing in the future?
i dont know. but i dream of being rich :D

9. List down 3 good points about the person who gave you this survey
he's nice.
he's very nice
and he's veryverynice.

okay wth.
he's good at playing cards -.-
he's a sweet guy,
and he's nice.

10. What makes you happy?
doing crap stuff.
watching movies
going out with ♥♥friends

11. What type of person do you hate most?
people like _ _ _ _ _
okay. it's ARIEL.
she's the new manager who transferred here from macdonalds.

she's s physopath

12. If you have a super power what would it be?
it'd be the ability to destroy all the things i dont like, and clone all the things i like :D:D:D

13. Would you go for happiness or money?
well, i cant live without both.
so it's either both, or none at all.

14. Who do you think is the most important people in your life?
i dont know. there's quite a few.


yeap. this four [:

15. If you have a girlfriend/boyfriend, would you die for her/him?
it depends on how obssessed i am over that guy.
normally, when i'm still rational enough to judge, i wont.
but i believe that true love is worth dying for. [if you really meet one zzz]
so right now, no.

16. Who's the last person who hugged you?
i cannot remember.

17. What is the one thing you want to do badly right now ?
skip school.

18. Who are you close to ?
okay. maybe weijie♥ :D:D

19. Are you courageous enough to tell the person that you like her/him?

20. If you could do one thing all over again what would it be?
but i cant say it.

21. 8 things that scare you :

1. lizards
2. worms
3. toads/frogs
4. snakes
5. bats
6. the big, red, hot, evil Sun.
7. mud
8. flesh.

22. 8 things that you like/love the most :

1. my phone, duh.
2. clothes
3. money :D:D:D
4. my job
5. my dear dear computer
6. songs
7. my blanket omg :X
8. my bolster ._.

23. 8 important things in my room :

1. computer
2. fan
3. air-con
4. clothes
5. BED!
6. windows
7. door
8. my table

24. 8 people to do this questionnaire :

1. chingx
2. chinm
3. pek
4. kheehui
5. zhijie
6. zhiying
7. hazel
8. jiarong

oooooh, i'm done :D

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