Friday, October 17, 2008

all hail the lion city! go to hell, the ugly singaporeans. it'll be a better place for you, really [:

ugly singaporeans as in, singaporeans who demonstrate embarrassing traits. read on.

TODAY WAS CRAZY as in, crazy for me.

not because exams are over. i'd prefer having exams every single day if that means i can go straight home after that. seriously, i dont mind. why dont we just do that! :D




the thing is, i went home.
and started doing all those stuff.
so i went to jurong point POSB bank.

do what?

bank transferssssss.
so i was quietly lining up, while more and more and more people piled behind me. then in came this obasang in her late thirties. she was sweating like a pig (i think) and fanning herself with this thin piece of paper. the very very thin slip of paper.

so, being a very very very thin slip of paper, OBVIOUSLY, it doesnt move the air much to create wind to cool herself down. she doesnt seem to realise that yaknow, and kept fanning that stupid piece of paper and making a hell lot of noise with it. i mean like. hey. the bank is almost as quiet as the library lah! okay so whatever. not my business.

it's about to be my turn soon. so i waited. and waited. and waited. then there was this GUY, 2 peeps in front of me. it's his turn, so he went to the farthest counter. the person behind the counter she turned to me and started pointing to me, and back to him and to me again [you get it]. i thought she was asking "is he your father?"

LOL. so obviously i shook my head. then she started telling that guy to go line up. LOL. so then i realised that she was trying to ask, " was he lining up?" so of course. i'm not that horrible. i was about to walk towards the person to tell her that he did line up, WHEN THAT WOMAN IN HER THIRTIES SAID TO ME, " OI! you arh. where can like that one. he got line up you say he didnt?!" in chinese. i was like " i know. i heard see wrongly, i'm gonna go tell her now!" in chinese.

then that $*(^&*(*(^ still bushuang say, "your parents got teach you cannot lie anot! what's your school arh? so lou ya de arh?" in chinese. so OBVIOUSLY I GOT BLOODY PISSED OFF. like what the hell. i already told her i see wrongly. what's wrong with her. ignore. she was standing quite far away from me, so most of the people lining up could hear. whatever.

then she started fanning herself again. so being me, i got super annoyed. super super super super super annoyed. so i turned to her and said in the softest possible voice, but still audible from her side and said, "小姐,你可以不要用那张纸来作扇子吗?吵到其他人!"

aunty: -glares- 关你什么事?

me: -stares- 你吵到我就关我的事!再说,你的这种行为也骚扰到别人。银行这么静的环境被你破坏了,真是没公德心。请你停止这种行为。[okay i know i sound like i'm writing essay or something, but i really did say this. and i really really am not lying. just that i cant remember the exact words i said cause i said too much stuff.]

aunty: -stuns-

me: 听不懂华文啊?it's okay, i'll repeat myself in English. Do you know that by fanning yourself with that piece of paper, you're producing a lot of noise that is disturbing the customers here. And since i'm one of the customers here, you're disturbing me and i have the right to tell you to stop doing this. You are also destroying the quiet ambience in this bank and that is totally inconsiderate.

aunty: [dont know why she understands english] 你有什么资格说我![so drama right? -__-]

me: 我再说多一次。你吵到了我,我自然有权要求你按景点。如果我没资格做这么基本的事,那么你更没资格说我没家教,因为那根本就不关你的事。下次说话,请放尊重点。

aunty: -stuns- [i dont know what's wrong with her.]

me: 还是听不懂?[was about to translate into english again, but it's my turn, so forget it.]

like, i dont mean to "disrespect" an ELDERLY [chuckles] but seriously, i didnt even say anything rude. it was in proper sentences, proper words found in the dictionary, and totally polite enough lah! she's just plain horrible. and just in case you think it's too dramatic to be true, i'm telling you, there's such aunties like her in singapore. sad, but true. tragic, but true.
how can such people even BE in singapore?!


nevermind. she embarrassed herself. i'm quite sure i didnt. cause everyone was smiling after the mini drama. cool. howhowhow cool. but still, that woman is annoying. i thought she looked 50 when she was stoning there.

okay so obviously the banker also saw what happened lah. LOL.
and she was smiling and grinning and dunno what at me. it was damn spastic i tell you.
i almost wanted to laugh out loud when i saw her face LOL. but anyway, she was very nice.
and she's very young too! O:
i used to think all bankers are old and frowny and wrinkly and all horrible, like that aunty.

the end. of the stupid bank transfer incident. seriously, seriously horrible. singaporeans, that is.

oh there's another concert later [: CITY HARVEST CHURCCCCCHHHH ♥ heh.
it's the 2nd one i think.
weijieweijieweijieweijie hohoho.
hell, i missssed her much [:

byebyebyebyebye! :D

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