Saturday, July 19, 2008

ohmy! today has been such a greattttt day, i cant believe it. but i'm so DEVASTATED and traumatised, really. *roll eyes*
my relative said i'm fat and thus, my new found revolution is to go on a diet,
so that they'll love me more. *gags-----*
they care for me soooo much i feel ungrateful for the little that i've done *pukevomitgag*, so i hope to lessen their burden by disappearing, yaknow! i'll be doing them all a great favour :D

and apparently, i have such goood friends that stood by my side NO MATTER what happens! like when i'm there, they'll tell me that i'm right and it's okay; and behind me, they spread around really nice things about me too! HOW GRATEFUL I AM TO THEM :D
how am i everrrrr gonna survive without them?

oh, and my throat has never felt better. it has enabled me to sing the notes SO accurately i cant believe myself anymore.

my live is so darn good, even heaven seems like nothing in comparison.

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