Monday, July 14, 2008

ahahahahahaha xD
it's so darn nice i cant stop reading it.
i'm alrdy at chap 95 when i just started reading it yesterday.
the whole manga is only out till chap 123 D: why issit so SLOWWW !
the amazing thing is that i actually put my anime on hold for this manga hahaahha.
there's no cca tmr, but somehow, we're supposed to attend some meeting or sth.
WHYYYYYYY! ohmygod. i can spend my 3hours off from cca on reading mannn! grrrrr.
there's no hw tday, is there? because i didnt do anything at all o.o

my mum promised me my birthday present alrdy.
i'm so pampered nowadays. i do nothing, and get many things in return -__-
my autn made me a orea cheeeeeese cake recently and i'm munching non stop on it ._.
andthen, she bought me famous amos cookies as well. (she knows i love them xD)
and thennnnnn, my mum suddenly stopped nagging at me when i brought my dinner into my room so that i can eat and manga at the same time. aha.
bad habit, i know. cant help it though. it's a habit afterall.

ahhh ohmygod. I LOVE SKIP BEAT.

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