Thursday, February 14, 2008

sch was nice today ;DD
happy valentines everyone!
sectionals in the morning.
mr lee kept calling my name zzzz.
and then he says i'm not myself today lol
cuz i was spacing out without myself realising it
and according to ppl around me, i was super pale that time .__.
then lang arts was nice.. i was reading the balcony scene while they did act 1 scene 5 =.=
got chased out of classrm agn during recess
chinese. newspaper sharing.
scolded by leelaoshi cuz of fingernails and hair.
again. sheesh.
maths was okay. lizhen understood why i didnt need to draw a table b4 drawing the graph in assignment 3 xD
tables are time wasting.

swimming was soso today. not very tiring. wasnt even hungry after swimming zz

okay, reached vivo with yewhui yuhong MUTANG x3333
walked around, went to buy yuhong's bdae prez when he's bdae is in december zzz
the most paiseh thing happened to me.
i walked pass that detector thing, then it BEEBEEBEEBEEBEEEE!
then the shop assistant ask us if we bought anything from other shops
i said no, only movie tickets. then my friend took my bag and walked pass it then it went BEEEBEEEBEEE AGN zzzz
i panicked lah wth! ltr get accused of stealing leh .__.
and everyone were looking at us........
then i bought my earphones! ;DDDDDDDDD
then we walked out agn, and that detector thing beeeeeped agn D;
so paisehhh!

went shopping at IP zone, S&K, zinc etc
then MOVIE
and yuhong keep saying things like
"aiyo.. this is my first time sitting/sharing drinks wif a girl leh!"
then mutang and i will go. "you noob! wthhhh!"

took MRT home wif yuhongyewhui, chat bout so many random things zzzz
reached home at 8, dinnered, chat, bathed, gonna hw after this.
so byebyebyebyebye!

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