Friday, February 22, 2008

i'm disappointed.
i'm disappointed with myself.
i'm very disappointed with myself.

chinese test today.
before we could take a 5mintues break,
it was maths test.
i cant believe i made such a stupid mistake.
i'm stupid =(
stressed out.

so yea, choir.
everything was okay till we split into groups.
cherie left halfway, amelia wasnt singing out, qiyuan was conducting.
i was the only sop left.
had to sing zhuliguan for dunno how many times
and i couldnt sing it properly.
i couldnt sing as well as when liangying was beside me
i wasnt up to standard.
ave maria.
supposed to sing alto part.
but amelia was the only one singing.
other parts needed sops to come in
qiyuan told me to help her sometimes.
so yea. i switched from alto, to sop, back to alto, then to sop then to alto again.
and i didnt learn the sop parts for this song.
i sang based on pure memory which isnt all that great.
i got desperate, depressed, disappointed.
and broke down.
i'm practically useless already.

to make things worse.
my sister forgot her keys.
the moment i got out of sch, 8 miss calls, 11 messages.
i decided not to buy dinner since she was stranded outside.
chionged home, and opened that damned door for her.
and what i got was.
so it's MY FAULT that she got stranded outside?
did she expect me to skip cca juz to open that door for her?
or fly back from school?
does she know what PEAK HOUR is?
apparently not.
so yea. i ignored her. too tired to speak. and my throat needs to rest.

i'm just wondering, when i'll die.
cuz if it's tomorrow, i really want and need to thank some people.

firstly, merwyn for his ever so nice card.
your drawing rocks lah! ;D
and ur life saving chocolate. i was starving after cca.
it din melt! ;DDDD
and ur encouragements on that issue. ty.

2ndly, qiyuan for her motivation
sorry i couldnt learn my parts properly .__.
but we're strong yea?
for the encouragements and the hug, thankyou.

3rdly, zhiying
hello fellow mezzo. thanks for ur encouragements.
jiayous to you too ;)

okay. you've been with me since in school, till out of sch.
stopping me from crying and providing me with tissssueeee
thankyou you crazy wildboar!
lotsoflove x33

5thly weikai .__.
haha. thanks for letting me babble so much -.-
and thanks for uhm.
telling me that you'll be there if i run out of contacts to call zzzz.

i think that's all. and of cuz cx lezah and pk.
they're always on my thank list lah.
lz type le lol -.-

today is a bad day.
but tomorrow will be better wont it?

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