Friday, February 29, 2008

haha! lessons were great today!
i love fridays alot alot ;D
we have home econs!
i have no problem with cooking XD
weiren is a great partner too :DD
we had chicken stew in class haha
then recess went by nicely, although the stupid proposal caused us some time.
and the class was quite noisy zzz
lang arts was nice!
act 5 scene 3!
paris died, romeo died, juliet died.
learnt about another main theme : fate.
star crossed lovers etc F3

chinese was nice too!
chang wen suo duan. sounds nice ;D
then maths! got back our test results.
not very satisfying, but lots better than term 3 and 4 last year.
and i love graphs. it's so understandable .__.
A1 for maths ;D
science! hahahaha. fine. mr lee is nice lah.
he gave me 2.5 more marks for my theory, and 1 more mark for my prac.
and he's super energetic when it's friday XD
damn funny lol

choir was niceee too!
i learnt to relax.
and i could sing all the high notes! yay!
and i did zhuliguan without AS much problems AND WITHOUT SCORES :DDDDDDD
orex rocked, as torrents was nice, generally, i think i did quite okay today
horrible merwyn refused to give me chocolate.
qinghe ponned because he was too depressed over his maths =.=
i thought he almost cried mann! but he suddenly burst out laughing lah wtf.
he's a funny guy ;D


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