didnt blog for the past 3 days.
friday was choir, did the conductor's thing LOL.
it was hilarious :D
hahahaha! tooo bad alot of people werent here to enjoy that prac xD
watched kids central! LOL.
hannah montana<3 xD
then there was this totally spies thing, which was kinda cool too.
then it's dino sapiens! it's cool.
then there's gundam seeeeed destiny!<33333
aahahahaha! 2nd time i watch it alrdy -___-
shinn asukax3 and athrun zala! :DDDDD
they rock(:
okayy, then went to couz house for bbq.
we started super early.
i started it. because i was hungry lah! no breakfast no lunch ):
i asked for a hotdog. heeeeeeeeee.
then everyone started stealing my hotdogs! and the bbq began xD
i didnt eat alotin the end.
at first i just watched people play badminton.
i didnt know how to play, and i neverrrr play beforee leh -__-
so i just slacked and listened to my mp3.
until it went out of batt -_______________-
so we started shoooting balls through those metal holes..
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th hole and you win. airball, restart.
my eldest couz won first ):
then my 3rd couz won.
my 2nd couz came kacaoing us =_=
i never won though. heee.
thennnn i started playing badminton with my younger couz! LOL
first timer :D:D:D
and i did quite well leh :DDDD
hahahahahaha. and they said i lied to them about being a first timer! D;
it was very fun!
drank wine tooooo.
kinda dehydrated after that. didnt drink enough water after wine and sweating so much =X
so then, we went home.
HAHA. i watched kids central AGAIN!
it rocked :D
5 leo rise!
got someone to watch it with me. then we were smsing each other in between commercials to talk about theeee show :DDDDD ohmygodd! click 5 rules x3 it's their first movie man! talk about cool.
my blogsong, 'kidnap my heart' is also by them (:
i went down to buy some stuff for my mum, and when i came back, my neighbour called me! ahaha. THEY BOUGHT A NEW DOG AFTER THEIR PREVIOUS TWO DIED! :DDDD
it's so so so darn cute! damn. i want a dog too ): he let the dog out and i played with him a little. it was licking me xD it's so tiny too, and it doesnt bark ;DD
so i stood up, and it licked my foot -____- so i bent down again. and it started licking my hand. then i attempted to walk away, and it followed meeeee! KAWAII!
left the house at 4pm.
arrived at west coast.
spammed fries ><"
and just moved around. my younger cousins arent fun ):
blahblah. cycled abit on my couz's bike, climbed that triangle thing. and went for dinner
dinner was nice, didnt eat much though.
came home bathed, animed, chat, blog.
and since when did buffering = 八耳分影
tags replied!
jwei> hahaha(; thankyou for tagging
yita> NAH! it's not.
yuanfang> hello(:
miriam> MIRIAMMM! YESYESYES! i havent started too ): maths test killed me too lor ))): anyw, jiayou! :D
laksa> -___- maths is not fun.
lyyme> i know you're ohh-so-pro in maths. we all know. so shhhh.
Ray> wahh o.o i not that gooood lah -___- dont make me sound like an allrounded person cause i'm not lahh. anddd. i'll be looking forward to my birthday then(: thankyous!
weijie> heeeeee. weijie<3 hahaha. yes. we'll meet up. i promisee :D
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