uhm okay. i'll reply tags here.
weijie > woahwoah. chill girl. thanks for all the tags! ;D
yea, the trip was lots of fun, and yes too, the whale made of class is superrrr PRETTAY!
it's so cute xD and whoever made that is totally pro.
the shades was cause cx and i suddenly went crazy, and bought it.
hahaha, the mountains rock. they look so beautiful right?
and it's abit foggy there, enhancing the whole scenery!
it's the leaning tower that is tilted lahhhhhh! -_____- why would i want to tilt the camera? .__.
liangying is chio xD nt because of my photography skills.
my photography skills suck. just that my camera is pro =X
yes churches rock. it's so echoy there xD yesyes! WE ARE GOOD :D
meh. i'm not pretty. like, if i'm pretty, than you're insulting those really chio girls cann -.-
you're pretty :D
i'll send you the pictures if you want.. but it's more than 1GB leh o__o
haha.. we're good friends lah.. she's fun to be with
dont worry, i wont forget you lol ;D
love ya lots x3333
adeline> thankyou :D goodluck for choir olympics too! you're going right? .__.
germane> haha it's okay. thank you for tagging ^^
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