today wasnt really a good day.
first thing in the morning was class problems.
people kept complaining why we keep collecting classfund
but we only collect twice this year!
and they have NO IDEA how much they spent.
seriously, where did all ur files, notes, fruits, materials for noticeboard come from?
you think they just fell from the sky eh?
please, use ur brain and THINK a LITTLE.
and if any of you realised, i only collected $7 since the start of 2008.
so why are you all complaining?
not directed to those who willingly paid, like weiren and other peeps ;D
dont wanna give, fine with me.
we will exclude you from the class fund.
you buy ur own files, copy ur own notes, buy ur own fruits, dont ask me for money to buy deco stuff, and then you wont have to pay a single cent to the class fund ;D
i'm sure no one would mind.
certainly not me.
i'd be glad to collect less ppl's money.
do us a favour. tell us you dont want to contribute to class fund,
and we'll not chase after you for money.
because i'm so sure my occupation in the future isnt being a loan shark.
and i dont like chasing after ppl for money.
and i dont like ppl giving me black faces when they're asked to give money.
bu shuang, then dont give.
simple as that.
haha but qinghe and chongtat and zhijie and weiren and lizhen and mutang and yuhong and those who heard me out, they rock ;D
neh. history, din get back our paper.
but i know it's bad luh.
CID was boring!
i fell asleep -.-
maths was okay.
ms wong was quite nice today ^^
mrs ong told us STORIES!
im starting to like her xD
we had this briefing for the italy trip. it's gonna be cold. so i think it's good that i have long sleeved shirts. i'll survive :D
i changed room.. i'm not against qiyuan lah! but it's scary to sleep with a snr .__.
rehearsal wasnt good!
i was shivering.
i was scared and nervous and cold D;
then i shiver, and couldnt stop.
brainfreeze. everything freezed.
but i could come in at the correct places for zhuliguan! FINALLY.
except for one part. JUST ONE.
now it's time to concentrate on those stupid claps for karimatanu.
i must must must must must concentrate.
i keep getting distracted, then i mess up.
other songs were GENERALLY okay...........................
ppl started asking me to help them sell their tickets zzz.
chingxing, amelia, guokai, etc
IF my sis had asked her choir, i could have helped them
IF my sis had asked zzz.
but she didnt !
still, thanks to qinghe o.o and my pri sch friends, i managed to clear 9 tickets for 12nd night.
i suddenly feel so nooooooob after hearing the non tour choir =(
cmon ppl.
it's next week!
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