Saturday, August 2, 2008

just got back from interact camp.
skipped choir for the camp ytd, decoed LT4 and played some games.
it was relaxing ;D
it wasnt exactly FUN, but it was relaxing. yea.
and i found the guy with the crooked smile! ohmygod<3
ahaha. i think that guy's superrrrr cute when he smiles that smile. LOL

i feel that, my mum is being inconsiderate.
she JUST told me that i'm supposed to entertain her clients from 8-11 august.
entertain as in bring them around, eat dinner with them, do all those lame shit stuff.
okay look. 8th august, is a half school day thing.
i planned to go back to pri sch or even chiong home to revise because i've like tons of things to memorise and i'm super lost.
9 and 10 aug is weeeekend. revision days as well.
like please, common test starts on 14th aug. and we dont even get to skip lessons after that.
which means i wont have much time to revise any single shit other than 8-10 aug. 11aug, is a school day. and that means homework and other shitty stuff.
which means, i will not have any time to do homework given on that day. which also means that i'll have to sacrifice my sleep for people whom i dont even care about. though i've seen them a couple of times, if doesnt mean that i'm in any relation to them.
why am i dragged into all kinds of shit every single time.
it's so darn irritating it pisses me off.
i've been robbed of my revision time.
and now im gonna flunk my common test.
you have NO IDEA how bad my situation is.
i'm so. so. so. so. so. so. damn angry.

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