Sunday, June 8, 2008

yay! chingxing tagged me to do 3 quizzes :D

(11) people tagged with this quiz

(10) firsts
first best friend : WEIJIE<3
first pet : i think it was hamsters.
first piercing : none ._.
first crush : *($#(^*&
first CD : dont know. what kinda question is this.
first car : i dont play with cars.
first stuffed animal : cant rmb. got it when i was like. 1 month old?
first love : ~!@#$%^&*(
first place called home : i cant rmb. zzz.

(9) lasts
last beverage : i think it was fresh milk. cant rmb.
last car ride : Yesterday. after bbq.
last movie seen : KUNGFU PANDA :D:D
last phone call : Today, with my mum -__-
last song you listened to : Connected by Sara Paxton.
last bubble bath : when i was 3? i think.
last time you cried : half an hour ago. the book was simply too touching D:
last thing you ate : yesterday, BBQ -__-
last bad thing you did : uhh. say that i'm not gonna buy anything for cx? LOL

(8) have you evershave you ever dated one of your best friend : Nope.
have you ever been arrested : Nope.
have you been skinny dipped : Nope.
have you ever been on a limo : Nope.
have you ever cheated : Nope.
have you ever been in love : Nope.
have you ever been in a car accident : Nope.
have you ever broken a bone : Nope.

(7) things you are wearing
uhh. looney toons shirt
undergarments -_-

(6) things you've done today
wake up
watch anime
finished a book

(5) favourite things
my roooom.
i'd have said friends, but they arent things.

(4) people you tell almost everything to

(3) choices
black or white : blackk! ;D
hot or cold : cold duh! i cant stand anything that's hot.
chocolate or vanilla : chocolate owns.

(2) you want to do before you die
nothing. i want to do NOTHING before i die, if that's even possible.
but i'll need to prepare for my own funeral, so i prolly wont have the chance to do nothing.

(1) thing you regret
i regret not eating anything today D:


1. What is the most important thing in my life?
Friends, i guess. and my computer ;D;D

2. When was the last time you bought something with your own money?
yesterday when i bought my zinc bag.

3. Where do you wish to get married
i'm still a 13year-old little kiddo.

4. How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love?
what kinda question is this.

5. Are you in love?
no duh.

6. Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?
Ichiban Sushi

7. Name the latest book you bought.
i dont really buy books. but i borrowed 2 from the library ytd.

8. What is your full name?

9. Do you prefer your mother or your father?
uhhhhh. is that a trick question? cause i dont know.

10. Name a person who you really wish to meet in real life for the first time.

11. Christina or Britney?
who the hell are they?

12. Do you even do your own laundry?

13. What is the most exciting place you want to go to?
ARCHANGEL. it's not really a place, but i'd love to be on that ship.

14. Hugs or Kisses?

15. Point out 5 things about the person who tagged you.
Ng Ching Xing.
she's a girl
she's a girl in river valley high school.
she's a girl in river valley chorale.
she's a girl in class 2K
she's a girl who lives near dover.

16. 8 things I am passionate about.

17. 8 things I say too often.
what the hell.
go away.

18. 8 books I read recently.
Everyone else's girl
The Undomestic goddess
It's all about you
I believe you
the go-to girl
(dammit. i can only rmb 6.)

19. 8 songs I could listen over and over again.
My Paper Heart by all american rejects
Face Down by red jumpsuit apparatus
Why Cant I by liz phair
Suppose by secondhand serenade
The Call by Regina Spektor
Reason by Nami Tamaki
Memories by Within Temptation
Goodbye by Secondhand Serenade

20. 8 things I learnt last year.
RV suck.
time fly past.
we need more time
anime is so much nicer than drama series
rock music is seriously nice.
chinese songs arent that nice after all.
everything is so unreal.
life suck.

21. Tag 8 people.


Name 5 people you can think of right off the top of your head. Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 5 friends. This is actually alot funnier if you randomly list the names first. NO CHEATING!!!

1) Weijie
2) Chingxing
3) Pekkhoon
5) Mutang

1) how did u meet no1?
she's my best friend from primary school ;D;D

2)on a scale of 1~10, how would u rate ur friendship with no1
10! xD

3)how long have u known no 4?
uhh. 1 year, 6 months. hahaha! YELLOWCARD!

4)how do you knw no 3?
primary school friend! class/schoolmates since primary 2 ;D;D

5)where's no 5?
uhm. singapore? bishan? yea.

6)a fact abt no 1?
she's prettyyyyyy :D

7)who's going out with no 4?
australia D: she abandoned singapore for australia.

8)what does no 1 do for a living?
she's a STUDENT -_-

9)would u like to live with no 3?
yes and no. yes cause she's just plain nice. no cause she's too neat. gahhhhhh.

10)what do you like abt no 2?
nothing. she's crazy. LOL. haha. she's crazy and weird and horrrible and threatening and a terrible photographer!

11)do you miss no 5?
sort of. i miss going out with her although we just did on tuesday ):

12)would you make out with no 4?
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. she will never let me near her.

13)what's ur opinion on no 2?
isnt that similar to question 10?
i think she's pro, she's cute, she's weird.

14)ever had a long conversation with no 5?
how long is LONG?

15)who have you known the longest?
pekkhoon and weijie.

tag 5 ppl
1) weijie
2) pekkhoon
3) mutang
4) weikai
5) YOU.

damn. i'm so bored.

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