Wednesday, May 21, 2008

cross country is OVER :D:D:D
this year is muchmuch better than last year.

1) it's in the morningggg.
well it's still hot, but last year was much worse.

2) it's in west coast park!
last year was in that turf city place. so hard to run. west coast got shade ;D;D

3) there's no school after that xD
i reached home at 12.20am. LOL

it was really easier to run. i didnt walk much but i really could have done better.
doesnt matter. i'm not in the competitive race anyway. LOL
YAY :D i completed 3.7kmmmmmmm!
it didnt feel that long to meee. it's so much better than running 2.4 too.

geog is so undone D;
but i'll finish. by tmr.
and then there's cca on fridayyyy.
and open house on saturrrrday.

i only have 8 days of my holidays left.
ya know, 8 out of 30 days. -__-

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