Monday, January 21, 2008

yay i'm bak from penang, and sick.

17th jan
reached sch at 6am, helped carry down the shoes and stuff.
my nike bag rocked. i only had 1 sling bag wif me :D
boarded the bus, had stops in between for breakfast, lunch and toilet.
the guy's bus broke down [MWAHAHHA]
and we had to make a u-turn to fetch some of them,
while the others went on an express bus to penang.
when we reached, it was already 10.
when we first entered the hotel room, we were super scared lahh
then we din dare open the toilet door and the wardrobe
then pekkhoon suddenly SCREAM
and we thought there was sth
so xinyi and i SCREAMED too LOL
had dinner at 10+ at a nearby hawker centre
i was suffering from gastric, cuz i din eat anything since 6am.
then i swallowed my dinner.
but i ate too fast, so my stomach hurts
so yuning and i went walking around the hawker centre.
walk and walk and walk
then we dragged chingxing, then soon, almost all the girls were there.
and we went bak to the hotel :D
had a lil chat wif xinyi and pek, slept at 1++

18th Jan
woke up early, went to 6th lvl for breakfast.
in full sch uni :D
after that we went to chung ling high school for an exchange
they're the ppl who organised the performance thing.
this daniel guy
his voice is proness x proness.
and he reminds me of a actor in HK.
but i cant rmb who.
then we played some "ice breaker games"
which didnt really break the ice cuz it only lasted for like 1/2 hr?
had practice on our own after that so we din really interact much.
had lunch at this seafood place
food's quite nice :D the fish rocked, the fried squid rocked too ;D
yujun's table stole food from us.
cuz my table were all sec 2 girls and we dont eat much LOL
and we were entertained by gordon who was mixing this "drink"
went bak to hotel, practiced claps wif mostly the sec 2s + a few of the sec 3s
bathed, changed, went down, bused, settled down, practiced, skipped dinner.
i was sitting there and guokai, elijah, laiseng, zhengyang, mingshin, etc and etc were chatting beside me -.-
then becuz my hair was covering my eyes and i was looking down, guokai thought i was crying LOL
and it was performance time :D
the 1st 2 songs were okay.
il est and as torrents.
i smiled till i had cramps zzz
chat wif ppl around me for awhile, keep reminding them to smile till their jaws ached
wenzhong wished me goodluk, tszkiu continues to smile beside me, chingxing sitting there doing nth, and i freaking out and saying "i'm gonna die", and mingshin saying "u wont die so easily" from behind -.-
and i thought i was gonna faint.
laiseng keep telling me to relax lol
zhuliguan and karimata was quite horrible.
ESP zhuliguan
no one was looking at sizheng and everyone rushed like hell.
after performance, i totally zi-highed
it was fun lah seriously.
i think i was juz trying to forget that we din do tat well in the performance.
then zi highed on the way bak to the hotel
and all the way till i sleep.
room crashed alot of ppl, with the ohh-so-crazy lezah
crashed everyone yujun+sizheng, zhiying+qiyuan+yanpeng+luohui and watched them jump around, crashed weikai, crashed zhengyang and took photos of him trying to touch the ceiling by jumping on the bed
crashed veron, then crashed 231 and stayed there
merwyn kenghwee weiping qinghe albert. watched them gay LOL
damn hilarious.
stole mingshin's ipod. and drained his battery
and still sick.

19th jan
i woke up first agn -.-
pek and xinyi nv put alarm, and they were almost late.
cuz i forgot to wake them up :D
cuz i thought we still had time
but i forgot we need breakfast LOL
then packed and went for this this this trip up to the mountain
took this horribly slow tram and continue draining mingshin's ipod batt -.-
went shopping at queensbay shopping centre
walked around wif yuning at the 1st lvl but couldnt find anything
2nd lvl, nth
3rd lvl, FINALLY STH ;D
yuning bought prez for irene and her classmate
then i bought din know whether to buy the jacket or the shoe.
ended up buying 2 shirts and some other weird weird stuff
had lunch at 3+ and went to meet up wif choir at 4.45pm
it was supposed to be 4.30 zzzz
we forgot the time :D
they lengthened the shopping trip to 6.30
and gave us 20 bucks for dinner.
yuning and i went shopping for more clothes and i bought a chio bag ;D
skipped dinner.
we din know where to go already so we lagged around
then went to KFC for a drink and saw elijah, laiseng and su zhe
elijah gave me a token -.- they were at the archade b4 tat zzz
when we were chionging bak, we met mingshin and tjakra
i think they got lost or sth, then decided to follow us.
and obviously i have no sense of direction.
when we finally found the right way bak, they rannnnn all the way and disappeared -.-
yuning says running in a shopping mall is unglam ;D
went bak to the hotel and cx and pk were going crazy over some weird plush toys
hazel rocked ;D
she always does.
then lezah and i bathed.
i packed my bag and imuz say my nike bag rocks ;D
i stuffed everything, including the costume, and everything i bought into the bag.
and i used my new bag cuz it's harder to fold.
and i put my shoe box in it lol -.-
yayyie. and i was done packing XD
met up wif lezah to room crash others agn XD
but this time, we stayed mainly at room 231
cuz merwyn weiping kenghwee qinghe albert yuqi mingjun were super entertaining
i wanted to leave after like 2 hrs?
cuz i was getting bored mah lol
then they entertained me agn LOL
iun the end, i stayed there till 1+ i think
watched this not so scary horror movie on my own o.o
first time ;D
cuz pek and xinyi fell asleep -.-
i survived a horror movie! :DDD
slept at 4.
and still sick.

20th jan
last day.
woke up at 7.30am, but went bak to slp cuz pek and xinyi werent up
woke up at around 8 cuz chinging came knocking on our door zzzzz
i was the first to finish preparing agn
went to 6th lvl agn, and had a quick breakfast
nth much happened on the bus
juz bought lots of snacks and ate on the bus
no buses broke down this time -.-
nth much, juz slept.
and still sick.
had a hard time getting home.

21st jan, today.
woke up at 5.45am, couldnt move much.
my whole body was aching and i din feel well
stayed at home, went to docs, had medi
smsed some ppl.
slept, blahblah.
couldnt get my hw
i saved the wrong contact lah wth -.-
wthwthwthwth and wth.
and there's cca tmr.
i'll die.
and i'm still so sick.
R&J is quite boring zzz.

long post, bye.

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